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RPMPackage texlive-amsmath-svn30645.2.14-7.1.lbn19.noarch
The package provides the principal packages in the AMS-LaTeX distribution. It adapts for use in LaTeX most of the mathematical features found in AMS-TeX; it is highly recommendsd as an adjunct to serious mathematical typesetting in LaTeX. When amsmath is loaded, AMS-LaTeX packages amsbsy (for bold symbols), amsopn (for operator names) and amstext (for text embdedded in mathematics) are also loaded. Amsmath is part of the LaTeX required distribution; however, several contributed packages add still further to its appeal; examples are empheq, which provides functions for decorating and highlighting mathematics, and ntheorem, for specifying theorem (and similar) definitions. date: 2013-03-09 20:29:31 +0100
RPMPackage texlive-amsfonts-svn29208.3.04-7.1.lbn19.noarch
An extended set of fonts for use in mathematics, including: extra mathematical symbols; blackboard bold letters (uppercase only); fraktur letters; subscript sizes of bold math italic and bold Greek letters; subscript sizes of large symbols such as sum and product; added sizes of the Computer Modern small caps font; cyrillic fonts (from the University of Washington); Euler mathematical fonts. All fonts are provided as Adobe Type 1 files, and all except the Euler fonts are provided as Metafont source. The distribution also includes the canonical Type 1 versions of the Computer Modern family of fonts. Plain TeX and LaTeX macros for using the fonts are provided. date: 2013-01-28 18:05:09 +0100
RPMPackage texlive-algorithms-svn15878.0.1-7.1.lbn19.noarch
Consists of two environments: algorithm and algorithmic. The algorithm package defines a floating algorithm environment designed to work with the algorithmic style. Within an algorithmic environment a number of commands for typesetting popular algorithmic constructs are available. date: 2009-08-25 14:02:57 +0200
RPMPackage texlive-2014-7.1.20140525_r34255.lbn19.x86_64
The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system for a variety of Unix, Macintosh, Windows and other platforms. It encompasses programs for editing, typesetting, previewing and printing of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection of TeX macros and font libraries. The distribution includes extensive general documentation about TeX, as well as the documentation for the included software packages.
RPMPackage texlive-2012-22.20130427_r30134.fc19.armv6hl
The TeX Live software distribution offers a complete TeX system for a variety of Unix, Macintosh, Windows and other platforms. It encompasses programs for editing, typesetting, previewing and printing of TeX documents in many different languages, and a large collection of TeX macros and font libraries. The distribution includes extensive general documentation about TeX, as well as the documentation for the included software packages.
RPMPackage stix-math-fonts-1.1.0-4.fc19.noarch
The mission of the Scientific and Technical Information Exchange (STIX) font creation project is the preparation of a comprehensive set of fonts that serve the scientific and engineering community in the process from manuscript creation through final publication, both in electronic and print formats. This package includes one symbol font completing the four faces in the main stix-fonts package. It replaces the heap of confusing fontlets in the first Stix release.
RPMPackage stix-fonts-1.1.0-4.fc19.noarch
The mission of the Scientific and Technical Information Exchange (STIX) font creation project is the preparation of a comprehensive set of fonts that serve the scientific and engineering community in the process from manuscript creation through final publication, both in electronic and print formats. This package includes base Unicode fonts containing most glyphs for standard use in the usual four styles.
RPMPackage stax2-api-4.0.0-1.lbn19.noarch
StAX2 is an experimental API that is intended to extend basic StAX specifications in a way that allows implementations to experiment with features before they end up in the actual StAX specification (if they do). As such, it is intended to be freely implementable by all StAX implementations same way as StAX, but without going through a formal JCP process.
RPMPackage stax-ex-1.7.7-5.lbn19.noarch
This project develops a few extensions to complement JSR-173 StAX API in the following area. * Enable parser instance reuse (which is important in the high-performance environment like JAXB and JAX-WS) * Improve the support for reading from non-text XML infoset, such as FastInfoset. * Improve the namespace support.
RPMPackage springframework-3.0.5.RELEASE-1.1.lbn19.noarch
Spring is a layered Java/J2EE application framework, based on code published in Expert One-on-One J2EE Design and Development by Rod Johnson (Wrox, 2002).
RPMPackage snakeyaml-1.16-2.fc24.noarch
SnakeYAML features: * a complete YAML 1.1 parser. In particular, SnakeYAML can parse all examples from the specification. * Unicode support including UTF-8/UTF-16 input/output. * high-level API for serializing and deserializing native Java objects. * support for all types from the YAML types repository. * relatively sensible error messages.
RPMPackage scannotation-1.0.3-0.6.r12.fc19.noarch
Scannotation is a Java library that creates an annotation database from a set of .class files.This database is really just a set of maps that index what annotations are used and what classes are using them. Why do you need this? What if you are an annotation framework like an EJB 3.0 container and you want to automatically scan your classpath for EJB annotations so that you know what to deploy? Scannotation gives you apis that allow you to find archives in your classpath or WAR (web application) that you want to scan, then automatically scans them without loading each and every class within those archives
RPMPackage rubygem-zenoss_client-0.6.1-1.lbn19.noarch
This is a wrapper around the Zenoss JSON and REST APIs. For the most things it should feel very familiar to zendmd, but there are some changes do to the merging of the JSON and REST APIs. Please read the API docs for Zenoss and the YARDDoc for this gem (
RPMPackage rubygem-tzinfo-1.2.2-1.lbn19.noarch
TZInfo is a Ruby library that uses the standard tz (Olson) database to provide daylight savings aware transformations between times in different time zones.
RPMPackage rngom-201103-0.13.20120119svn.lbn19.noarch
RNGOM is an open-source Java library for parsing RELAX NG grammars. In particular, RNGOM can: * parse the XML syntax * parse the compact syntax * check all the semantic restrictions as specified in the specification * parse RELAX NG into application-defined data structures * build a default data structure based around the binarized simple syntax or another data structure that preserves more of the parsed information * parse foreign elements/attributes in a schema * parse comments in a schema
RPMPackage resteasy-3.0.17-1.lbn19.noarch
RESTEasy contains a JBoss project that provides frameworks to help build RESTful Web Services and RESTful Java applications. It is a fully certified and portable implementation of the JAX-RS specification.
RPMPackage relaxngcc-1.12-5.fc19.noarch
RelaxNGCC is a tool for generating Java source code from a given RELAX NG grammar. By embedding code fragments in the grammar like yacc or JavaCC, you can take appropriate actions while parsing valid XML documents against the grammar.
RPMPackage relaxngDatatype-2011.1-4.lbn19.noarch
RELAX NG is a public space for test cases and other ancillary software related to the construction of the RELAX NG language and its implementations.
RPMPackage regexp-1.5-23.lbn19.noarch
Regexp is a 100% Pure Java Regular Expression package that was graciously donated to the Apache Software Foundation by Jonathan Locke. He originally wrote this software back in 1996 and it has stood up quite well to the test of time. It includes complete Javadoc documentation as well as a simple Applet for visual debugging and testing suite for compatibility.
RPMPackage rabbitmq-server-3.6.1-2.lbn19.noarch
RabbitMQ is an implementation of AMQP, the emerging standard for high performance enterprise messaging. The RabbitMQ server is a robust and scalable implementation of an AMQP broker.