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RPMPackage python-twisted-web2-8.1.0-12.fc19.x86_64
Twisted.Web2 is an experimental web server built with Twisted. Useful Web2 functionality will be backported to TwistedWeb until TwistedWeb is as featureful as Web2, then Web2 will be abandoned.
RPMPackage python-twisted-web-12.2.0-2.fc19.armv6hl
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Twisted Web is a complete web server, aimed at hosting web applications using Twisted and Python, but fully able to serve static pages too.
RPMPackage python-twisted-web-12.2.0-2.fc19.x86_64
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Twisted Web is a complete web server, aimed at hosting web applications using Twisted and Python, but fully able to serve static pages too.
RPMPackage python-twisted-runner-12.2.0-2.fc19.armv6hl
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Twisted Runner contains code useful for persistent process management with Python and Twisted, and has an almost full replacement for inetd.
RPMPackage python-twisted-runner-12.2.0-2.fc19.x86_64
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Twisted Runner contains code useful for persistent process management with Python and Twisted, and has an almost full replacement for inetd.
RPMPackage python-twisted-news-12.2.0-2.fc19.armv6hl
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Twisted News provides a very basic NNTP server, as well as an NNTP client protocol implementation. Two messages storage systems are supported: the DB-API 2.0 backend stores and indexes messages in any compatible SQL database; the Twisted dirdbm backend uses serialized Python objects stored directly on the filesystem for message storage. Twisted News also has very rudimentary support for moderated groups.
RPMPackage python-twisted-news-12.2.0-2.fc19.x86_64
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Twisted News provides a very basic NNTP server, as well as an NNTP client protocol implementation. Two messages storage systems are supported: the DB-API 2.0 backend stores and indexes messages in any compatible SQL database; the Twisted dirdbm backend uses serialized Python objects stored directly on the filesystem for message storage. Twisted News also has very rudimentary support for moderated groups.
RPMPackage python-twisted-names-12.2.0-2.fc19.armv6hl
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Twisted Names is both a domain name server as well as a client resolver library. Twisted Names comes with an "out of the box" nameserver that can read most BIND-syntax zone files as well as a simple Python-based configuration format. Twisted Names can act as an authoritative server, perform zone transfers from a master to act as a secondary, act as a caching nameserver, or any combination of these. Twisted Names' client resolver library provides functions to query for all commonly-used record types as well as a replacement for the blocking gethostbyname() function provided by the Python stdlib socket module.
RPMPackage python-twisted-names-12.2.0-2.fc19.x86_64
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Twisted Names is both a domain name server as well as a client resolver library. Twisted Names comes with an "out of the box" nameserver that can read most BIND-syntax zone files as well as a simple Python-based configuration format. Twisted Names can act as an authoritative server, perform zone transfers from a master to act as a secondary, act as a caching nameserver, or any combination of these. Twisted Names' client resolver library provides functions to query for all commonly-used record types as well as a replacement for the blocking gethostbyname() function provided by the Python stdlib socket module.
RPMPackage python-twisted-mail-12.2.0-2.fc19.armv6hl
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Twisted Mail contains high-level, efficient protocol implementations for both clients and servers of SMTP, POP3, and IMAP4. Additionally, it contains an "out of the box" combination SMTP/POP3 virtual-hosting mail server. Also included is a read/write Maildir implementation and a basic Mail Exchange calculator.
RPMPackage python-twisted-mail-12.2.0-2.fc19.x86_64
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Twisted Mail contains high-level, efficient protocol implementations for both clients and servers of SMTP, POP3, and IMAP4. Additionally, it contains an "out of the box" combination SMTP/POP3 virtual-hosting mail server. Also included is a read/write Maildir implementation and a basic Mail Exchange calculator.
RPMPackage python-twisted-lore-12.2.0-2.fc19.armv6hl
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Lore is a complete documentation system based on XHTML and can generate documentation into other formats such as PDF, HTML.
RPMPackage python-twisted-lore-12.2.0-2.fc19.x86_64
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Lore is a complete documentation system based on XHTML and can generate documentation into other formats such as PDF, HTML.
RPMPackage python-twisted-core-12.2.0-2.lbn19.x86_64
An extensible framework for Python programming, with special focus on event-based network programming and multiprotocol integration. It is expected that one day the project will expanded to the point that the framework will seamlessly integrate with mail, web, DNS, netnews, IRC, RDBMSs, desktop environments, and your toaster. Twisted Core is used by most of the servers, clients and protocols that are part of other Twisted projects.
RPMPackage python-twisted-core-12.2.0-2.fc19.armv6hl
An extensible framework for Python programming, with special focus on event-based network programming and multiprotocol integration. It is expected that one day the project will expanded to the point that the framework will seamlessly integrate with mail, web, DNS, netnews, IRC, RDBMSs, desktop environments, and your toaster. Twisted Core is used by most of the servers, clients and protocols that are part of other Twisted projects.
RPMPackage python-twisted-conch-12.2.0-2.fc19.armv6hl
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Conch is an SSHv2 implementation written in Python. SSH is a protocol designed to allow remote access to shells and commands, but it is generic enough to allow everything from TCP forwarding to generic filesystem access. Since conch is written in Python, it interfaces well with other Python projects, such as Imagination. Conch also includes a implementations of the telnet and vt102 protocols, as well as support for rudamentary line editing behaviors. A new implementation of Twisted's Manhole application is also included, featuring server-side input history and interactive syntax coloring.
RPMPackage python-twisted-conch-12.2.0-2.fc19.x86_64
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. Conch is an SSHv2 implementation written in Python. SSH is a protocol designed to allow remote access to shells and commands, but it is generic enough to allow everything from TCP forwarding to generic filesystem access. Since conch is written in Python, it interfaces well with other Python projects, such as Imagination. Conch also includes a implementations of the telnet and vt102 protocols, as well as support for rudamentary line editing behaviors. A new implementation of Twisted's Manhole application is also included, featuring server-side input history and interactive syntax coloring.
RPMPackage python-twisted-12.2.0-2.fc19.noarch
Twisted is an event-based framework for internet applications. It includes a web server, a telnet server, a chat server, a news server, a generic client and server for remote object access, and APIs for creating new protocols and services. Twisted supports integration of the Tk, GTK+, Qt or wxPython event loop with its main event loop. The Win32 event loop is also supported, as is basic support for running servers on top of Jython. Installing this package brings all Twisted sub-packages into your system.
RPMPackage python-pyip-0.7-1.lbn19.noarch
RPMPackage python-poster-0.8.1-3.lbn19.noarch
The modules in the Python standard library don't provide a way to upload large files via HTTP without having to load the entire file into memory first. poster provides support for both streaming POST requests as well as multipart/form-data encoding of string or file parameters.