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RPMPackage python-munin.zope-2.0-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage python-munin.plone-egginfo-1.2-1.lbn13.noarch
easy_install egg information
RPMPackage python-munin.plone-1.2-2.lbn13.noarch
Introduction ------------ This package provides munin plugins for monitoring various aspects of a Plone instance. It uses `gocept.munin`_ for plugin registration. Please refer to its documentation if you want to write new plugins. Plugins ------- Currently there is 1 plugin available: * "contentcreation" - reports content creation and modification taken from portal_catalog How to use it ------------- * First include the package in your buildout `instance` slot:: [instance] ... eggs = ... munin.plone zcml = ... munin.plone * To create the pluging helper script you'll also need to include the following, additional section and extend your `parts` definition:: [buildout] parts = ... munin [munin] recipe = zc.recipe.egg eggs = munin.plone arguments = http_address='${instance:http-address}', user='${instance:user}', plone='plone' The `arguments` option is used to pass configuration values to the generated helper script, which is then used as the actual munin plugin (see below). Any settings for `ip-address`, `http-address`, `port-base` and `user` given in the `instance` section should be repeated here, separated by commas. .. |---| unicode:: U+2014 .. em dash Please be aware, that the variable names use underscores instead of dashes here |---| the following list shows all supported settings and their respective default values: * ip_address='<ip-address>' ['localhost'] * http_address=<http-address> [8080] * port_base=<port-base> [0] * user=<user-credentials> [n.a.] * plone=<plone-site-id> ['plone'] Either literal values or references to the `instance` part can be used here, i.e. "http_address='${instance:http-address}', user='${instance:user}'". Please note that the resulting line will be verbosely copied into the generated `bin/munin` script, so the extra quoting is required. * Now you should be able to call the plugins as follow:: http://localhost:8080/plone/@@munin.plone.plugins/contentcreation Where `contentcreation` is you plugin name. Please note that for security reasons the view requires the `View management screens` permission. * Next you need to make symlinks from the helper script inside your buildout's `bin/` to the munin plugin directory. The helper script itself can assist you with this:: $ bin/munin install /opt/munin/etc/plugins [<prefix>] [<suffix>] This will install the necessary symlinks in the given directory using either the provided prefix and suffix or else the hostname and current directory to assemble their names (see below). Alternatively, you may also install the desired symlinks yourself:: $ cd /opt/munin/etc/plugins $ ln -s ~/zope/bin/munin company_contentcreation_site1 Here `/opt/munin/etc/plugins` is your munin directory, `~/zope/` is the root directory of your buildout, `contentcreation` the name of the plugin you want to enable, `company` a placeholder for an arbitrary prefix and `site1` the name which will be shown in munin. * Finally configure the plugin in munin (this step can be skipped if you have correctly set up the `arguments` option as described in step 2 above):: $ cd /opt/munin/etc/plugin-conf.d/ $ vi munin.plone.conf ... [company_*_site1] ... env.AUTH myuser:myuser ... env.URL http://localhost:8080/plone/@@munin.plone .plugins/%s Here `myuser:myuser` are your Zope user credentials and `localhost:8080` your site url. Please check `munin`_ for more information about plugin configuration.
RPMPackage python-ipaddr-egginfo-2.1.7-1.lbn13.noarch
easy_install egg information
RPMPackage python-ipaddr-2.1.9-1.lbn13.noarch
python-ipaddr is a library for working with IP addresses, both IPv4 and IPv6. It was developed by Google for internal use, and is now open source.
RPMPackage python-gocept.munin-egginfo-0.1-2.lbn13.noarch
easy_install egg information
RPMPackage python-gocept.munin-0.1-3.lbn13.noarch
This package provides base classes for defining Munin graphs and a main function to handle munin-typical symlinked scripts. Munin plugin scripts ==================== A single plugin file defines (multiple) graphs by subclassing the bases as mentioned in the next section. The main function uses the called script's filename to determine which of the defined graphs is relevant. Data for each graph is determined by retrieving a text file from a URL (with possibly given basic authentication data). The format for the data is plain/text wich each line having key/value pairs split by ':'. The values are expected to be floats. All graph bases expect two environment variables to be set: URL The URL at which to retrieve data from. Must include a '%s' which encodes the graph name. AUTH HTTP basic authentication information. Either empty or in the form of 'username:password'. The environment variables can be configured using munin's `plugin-conf.d` like this: The plugin is called `prefix_something_1`:: [prefix_*] env.URL http://foo:8900/myapp/munin?data=%s env.AUTH admin:admin Graph bases =========== The following base classes are currently defined: SimpleGraph A simple graph with a single value that is plotted as an absolute value. SimpleMultiGraph Multiple absolute values plotted on the same graph and scale. more bases will be added as needed. Main function ============= The main function handles munin-typical `type_option_index` symlink scripts by looking at the name from which the main script was called. Example script ============== Here's a sample script that you could symlink into the `plugins` directory:: from gocept.munin.client import SimpleGraph, main class people(SimpleGraph): name = key = 'people' title = 'How many people are there?' category = 'Office' main() [root@mistress gocept.munin-0.1]# cat README.txt ========================================== Utilities for writing munin client scripts ========================================== This package provides base classes for defining Munin graphs and a main function to handle munin-typical symlinked scripts. Munin plugin scripts ==================== A single plugin file defines (multiple) graphs by subclassing the bases as mentioned in the next section. The main function uses the called script's filename to determine which of the defined graphs is relevant. Data for each graph is determined by retrieving a text file from a URL (with possibly given basic authentication data). The format for the data is plain/text wich each line having key/value pairs split by ':'. The values are expected to be floats. All graph bases expect two environment variables to be set: URL The URL at which to retrieve data from. Must include a '%s' which encodes the graph name. AUTH HTTP basic authentication information. Either empty or in the form of 'username:password'. The environment variables can be configured using munin's `plugin-conf.d` like this: The plugin is called `prefix_something_1`:: [prefix_*] env.URL http://foo:8900/myapp/munin?data=%s env.AUTH admin:admin Graph bases =========== The following base classes are currently defined: SimpleGraph A simple graph with a single value that is plotted as an absolute value. SimpleMultiGraph Multiple absolute values plotted on the same graph and scale. more bases will be added as needed. Main function ============= The main function handles munin-typical `type_option_index` symlink scripts by looking at the name from which the main script was called. Example script ============== Here's a sample script that you could symlink into the `plugins` directory:: from gocept.munin.client import SimpleGraph, main class people(SimpleGraph): name = key = 'people' title = 'How many people are there?' category = 'Office' main()
RPMPackage python-ZSI-2.0-6.fc13.noarch
The Zolara SOAP Infrastructure provides libraries for developing web services using the python programming language. The libraries implement the various protocols used when writing web services including SOAP, WSDL, and other related protocols.
RPMPackage python-MySQL-1.2.2-8.lbn13.1.x86_64
Python interface to MySQL MySQLdb is an interface to the popular MySQL database server for Python. The design goals are: - Compliance with Python database API version 2.0 - Thread-safety - Thread-friendliness (threads will not block each other) - Compatibility with MySQL 3.23 and up This module should be mostly compatible with an older interface written by Joe Skinner and others. However, the older version is a) not thread-friendly, b) written for MySQL 3.21, c) apparently not actively maintained. No code from that version is used in MySQLdb.
RPMPackage python-MultipartPostHandler-2.5.1-1.lbn13.noarch
Enables the use of multipart/form-data for posting forms.
RPMPackage pyserial-2.5-2.lbn13.noarch
This module encapsulates the access for the serial port. It provides backends for standard Python running on Windows, Linux, BSD (possibly any POSIX compilant system) and Jython. The module named "serial" automaticaly selects the appropriate backend.
RPMPackage pynetsnmp-twisted-0.30.06-1.lbn13.noarch
The pynetsnmp-twisted package contains the twisted integration for pynetsnmp
RPMPackage pynetsnmp-0.30.06-1.lbn13.noarch
Python ctypes bindings for NET-SNMP with Twisted integration pynetsnmp is a set of Python ctypes binding for NET-SNMP, an implementation of the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP). pynetsnmp is a replacement for the various Python bindings provided by PySNMP* implementations. It also implements a glue with the Python Twisted Matrix networking framework which replaces the TwistedSNMP implementation.
RPMPackage perl-Net-SNPP-1.17-9.fc13.noarch
Perl client and server modules for the Simple Network Pager Protocol, as described in RFC 1861.
RPMPackage perl-Device-SerialPort-1.04-6.fc13.x86_64
This module provides an object-based user interface essentially identical to the one provided by the Win32::SerialPort module.
RPMPackage nagios-plugins-wave-1.4.15-2.fc13.x86_64
Provides check_wave support for Nagios.
RPMPackage nagios-plugins-users-1.4.15-2.fc13.x86_64
Provides check_users support for Nagios.
RPMPackage nagios-plugins-ups-1.4.15-2.fc13.x86_64
Provides check_ups support for Nagios.
RPMPackage nagios-plugins-time-1.4.15-2.fc13.x86_64
Provides check_time support for Nagios.
RPMPackage nagios-plugins-tcp-1.4.15-2.fc13.x86_64
Provides check_tcp, check_ftp, check_imap, check_jabber, check_nntp, check_nntps, check_pop, check_simap, check_spop, check_ssmtp, check_udp and check_clamd support for Nagios.