AdvancedQuery is a Zope product aimed to overcome several limitations
and bugs of ``ZCatalog``'s native search function.
Like ZCatalog search, it supports elementary index searches.
While ZCatalog can combine such elementary searches only by "and",
AdvancedQuery allows to arbitrarily combine them by & (and),
| (or) and ~ (not). Besides, it supports an extended range
of elementary queries, such as matching, indexed queries, literal
result sets. Finally, it supports incremental filtering.
AdvancedQuery also extends the sorting capabilities of
ZCatalog. ZCatalog supports efficient index based sorting
on one level. AdavancedQuery supports sorting on arbitrary levels
of field indexes. Furthermore, sorting is performed incrementally
-- only as far as the result is accessed.
This can drastically speed up sorting.
Finally, AdvancedQuery can sort based on query based ranks.
Unlike ZCatalog which simply ignores hits for which it does not
have a sort value, AdvancedQuery sorts such hits at the end
of the respective list.
AdvancedQuery works best when used together with
Products.ManagableIndex and dm.incrementalsearch.
Some of its features depend on these products, e.g. matching
and incremental filtering. Furthermore, these additional
components can speed up queries by several orders of magnitude.
For more information, see AdvancedQuery.html in the doc subfolder.