CMFQuickInstallerTool is a facility for comfortable activation/deactivation of
CMF compliant products inside a CMF site.
Therefore it has to be installed as a tool inside a CMF portal, where it stores
the information about the installed products.
The requirements for a product to be installable with QuickInstallerTool are
quite simple (almost all existing CMF products fulfill them):
External Product: The product has to implement an external
method 'install' in a python module ''
in its Extensions directory.
The product ships with a GenericSetup extension profile
and has no install method. It can still use an uninstall
method for custom uninstallation tasks though.
Products can be uninstalled and QuickInstellerTool removes the following items
a product creates during install:
- portal actions,
- portal skins,
- portal types,
- portalobjects (objects created in the root of the portal),
- workflows,
- left and right slots (also checks them only for the portal),
- resource registry entries
QuickInstallerTool just tracks which objects are ADDED, but not what is changed
or deleted.
In the ZMI click on portal_quickinstaller. The management screen allows you to
select products for installation and uninstallation. You can browse into the
installed products and see what was created and the logs of the install process.
Customized uninstall
In order to use a customize uninstall, the following
requirements must be met:
External Product: The product has to implement an external
method 'uninstall in a python module ''
in its Extensions directory.
Please note that the customized uninstall method is invoked before (and in
addition to) the standard removal of objects.