A registry for linked Stylesheet files and Javascripts.
This registry is mainly aimed at solving the following usecases:
- Enable product authors to register stylesheets with their product
installers without having to resort to override either header.pt or
ploneCustom.css creating potential conflicts with other products.
- Enable more componentialization of the stylesheets provided with Plone
(and other products) without having to increase the number of http
requests for a Plone page.
- Enable condition checking on stylesheets. Great for variable
look-and-feel for groups/roles/folders/departments/content-types/etc
- Enable inline dynamic stylesheets. For those style rules that should
vary for each request. Mainly used for things like header-bar-
backgroundimages, department colors etc.
- Enable developers to activate/deactivate their styles in a simpler way
- Enable compression to safe bandwidth and download time
If several stylesheets listed directly after each other in the registry have
the same parameters and expression, they will be concatenated into a larger,
composite, stylesheet on rendering. - This can be useful for splitting
stylesheets into smaller components for overrideing, while preserving
cacheability and minimising the number of http-requests to Plone.
This tool was started at the excellent SnowSprint 2005 - Organised by
Telesis in the Austrian Alps. Thanks, Jodok! :)