You are here: Home / LBN / Up2date / Plone and Zope / BastionLinux 13 / plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver-1.4-3.lbn13.noarch


Package Attributes
RPM  plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver-1.4-3.lbn13.noarch.rpm Architecture  noarch Size  81454 Created  2017/08/04 11:09:00 UTC
Package Specification
Summary ZC Buildout recipe for ZEO management.
Group Application/Internet
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This recipe creates and configures a Zope 2 ZEO server in parts. It also installs a control script, which is like zeoctl, in the bin/ directory. The name of the control script is the the name of the part in buildout.

You can use it with a part like this:

  recipe = plone.recipe.zope2zeoserver
  zope2-location = /path/to/zope2/install
  zeo-address = 8100

Options -------

zope2-location The path where Zope 2 is installed. If you are also using the plone.recipe.zope2install recipe, and you have that configured as a part called zope2 prior to the zope2zeoserver part, you can use ${zope2:location} for this parameter. You must ensure the zope2zeoserver part is run after the zope2install one.

zeopack The path to the backup script. A wrapper for this will be generated in bin/zeopack, which sets up the appropriate environment to run this. Defaults to "${zope2-location}/utilities/ZODBTools/". Set this option to an empty value if you do not want this script to be generated.

repozo The path to the backup script. A wrapper for this will be generated in bin/repozo, which sets up the appropriate environment for running this. Defaults to "${zope2-location}/utilities/ZODBTools/". Set this to an empty value if you do not want this script to be generated.

zeo-conf A relative or absolute path to a zeo.conf file. If this is not given, a zeo.conf will be generated based on the the options below.

The following options all affect the generated zope.conf.

zeo-address Give a port for the ZEO server (either specify the port number only (with localhost as default) or you use the format ``host:port``). Defaults to 8100.

effective-user The name of the effective user for the ZEO process. Defaults to not setting an effective user.

invalidation-queue-size The invalidation-queue-size used for the ZEO server. Defaults to 100.

zeo-log The filename of the ZEO log file. Defaults to var/log/${partname}.log

zeo-log-format Format of logfile entries. Defaults to %(asctime)s %(message)s

zeo-log-custom A custom section for the eventlog, to be able to use another event logger than `logfile`. `zeo-log` is still used to set the logfile value in the runner section.

storage-number The number used to identify a storage.

file-storage The filename where the ZODB data file will be stored. Defaults to var/filestorage/Data.fs.

blob-storage The folder where the ZODB blob data files will be stored.

socket-name The filename where ZEO will write its socket file. Defaults to var/zeo.zdsock.

authentication-database The filename for a authentication database. Only accounts listed in this database will be allowed to access the ZEO server.

The format of the database file is:

    realm <realm>

Where the hash is generated via:

    import sha
    string = "%s:%s:%s" % (username, realm, password)

authentication-realm The authentication realm. Defaults to ZEO

pack-days Specify of days for the zeopack script to retain of history. Defaults to one day.

pack-user If the ZEO server uses authentication, this is the username used by the zeopack script to connect to the ZEO server.

pack-password If the ZEO server uses authentication, this is the password used by the zeopack script to connect to the ZEO server.

zeo-conf-additional Give additional lines to zeo.conf. Make sure you indent any lines after the one with the parameter.

monitor-address The address at which the monitor server should listen. The monitor server provides server statistics in a simple text format.

relative-paths Set this to `true` to make the generated scripts use relative paths. You can also enable this in the `[buildout]` section.


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