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Package Attributes
RPM  python-gocept.munin-0.1-3.lbn13.noarch.rpm Architecture  noarch Size  15354 Created  2017/08/04 11:09:11 UTC
Package Specification
Summary Utilities for writing munin client scripts
Group System Environment/Libraries
License ZPL 2.1
Home Page

This package provides base classes for defining Munin graphs and a main function to handle munin-typical symlinked scripts.

Munin plugin scripts ====================

A single plugin file defines (multiple) graphs by subclassing the bases as mentioned in the next section. The main function uses the called script's filename to determine which of the defined graphs is relevant.

Data for each graph is determined by retrieving a text file from a URL (with possibly given basic authentication data).

The format for the data is plain/text wich each line having key/value pairs split by :. The values are expected to be floats.

All graph bases expect two environment variables to be set:

URL The URL at which to retrieve data from. Must include a %s which encodes the graph name. AUTH HTTP basic authentication information. Either empty or in the form of username:password.

The environment variables can be configured using munin's `plugin-conf.d` like this:

The plugin is called `prefix_something_1`::

[prefix_*] env.URL http://foo:8900/myapp/munin?data=%s env.AUTH admin:admin

Graph bases ===========

The following base classes are currently defined:

SimpleGraph A simple graph with a single value that is plotted as an absolute value.

SimpleMultiGraph Multiple absolute values plotted on the same graph and scale.

more bases will be added as needed.

Main function =============

The main function handles munin-typical `type_option_index` symlink scripts by looking at the name from which the main script was called.

Example script ==============

Here's a sample script that you could symlink into the `plugins` directory:

    from gocept.munin.client import SimpleGraph, main

    class people(SimpleGraph):
        name = key = 'people'
        title = 'How many people are there?'
        category = 'Office'

[root@mistress gocept.munin-0.1]# cat README.txt
Utilities for writing munin client scripts

This package provides base classes for defining Munin graphs and a main function to handle munin-typical symlinked scripts.

Munin plugin scripts ====================

A single plugin file defines (multiple) graphs by subclassing the bases as mentioned in the next section. The main function uses the called script's filename to determine which of the defined graphs is relevant.

Data for each graph is determined by retrieving a text file from a URL (with possibly given basic authentication data).

The format for the data is plain/text wich each line having key/value pairs split by :. The values are expected to be floats.

All graph bases expect two environment variables to be set:

URL The URL at which to retrieve data from. Must include a %s which encodes the graph name. AUTH HTTP basic authentication information. Either empty or in the form of username:password.

The environment variables can be configured using munin's `plugin-conf.d` like this:

The plugin is called `prefix_something_1`::

[prefix_*] env.URL http://foo:8900/myapp/munin?data=%s env.AUTH admin:admin

Graph bases ===========

The following base classes are currently defined:

SimpleGraph A simple graph with a single value that is plotted as an absolute value.

SimpleMultiGraph Multiple absolute values plotted on the same graph and scale.

more bases will be added as needed.

Main function =============

The main function handles munin-typical `type_option_index` symlink scripts by looking at the name from which the main script was called.

Example script ==============

Here's a sample script that you could symlink into the `plugins` directory:

    from gocept.munin.client import SimpleGraph, main

    class people(SimpleGraph):
        name = key = 'people'
        title = 'How many people are there?'
        category = 'Office'


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