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RPM Architecture  noarch Size  26963 Created  2017/08/04 11:08:05 UTC
Package Specification
Summary Celery distributed task queue into Plone
Group Application/Internet
License ZPL
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This package integrates the `Celery` distributed task queue into Plone. It allows you to configure Celery from your zope.conf configuration file, and make sending task messages honor the Zope transaction manager.

Configuration =============

You can provide Celery configuration via the Zope configuration file. Here is an example:

    <celery-config celery>
        admins George Costanza,
        admins Cosmo Kramer,

            host localhost
            port 5672
            user guest
            password guest
            vhost /

            ignore-result true
            disable-rate-limits true

            task-publish-retry true
               max-retries 5
               interval-start 0
               interval-step 1
               interval-max 0.5

            default-queue default
                default dict(binding_key='default', exchange='default')
                feeds   dict(binding_key='feeds', exchange='feeds')
                feed.tasks.import_feed dict(queue='feeds')
                images.compress        image.compression.Compress

You must use the `%import` statement to import the Celery configuration schema. The top-level section always is called `` and that section must have a name (due to zope.conf limitations), but it's name is otherwise ignored.

The Celery configuration is subdivided into namespaced sub-sections. Each Celery configuration key (as defined in the `Celery configuration documentation`) consists of a namespace (such as `CELERY`, `CELERYD` or `BROKER`) and a configuration option (such as `HOST` or `ROUTES`); the only exceptions are the `SERVER_EMAIL` and `ADMINS` options. See the `Celery configuration defaults module` for a complete listing.

Note that many Celery options make no sense in a Zope server context as you would normally only send task messages, not run a worker to process tasks.

Using this subdivision, the ZConfig schema for Celery puts these options into a section for each namespace. Thus, all `BROKER` configuration is contained in a `` section, with each broker option lower-cased, underscores replaced with dashes. An option like `CELERY_TASK_PUBLISH_RETRY` thus becomes `task_publish_retry` in the `` section.

The ZConfig schema enforces the type information set by Celery, and any option that takes a tuple (such as `CELERY_TASK_ERROR_WHITELIST` or `ADMINS`) can be listed multiple times in zope.conf to list all items.

Options that take a dictionary (such as `CELERY_RESULT_ENGINE_OPTIONS` or `CELERY_QUEUES`) are configured in zope.conf using a new section with the option name, so in the case of `CELERY_QUEUES` add a `` section to the `celery` section listing each queue on a new line. Values are interpreted as python expressions.

Some options are handled specially:

  • The `ADMINS` option takes a `name, email address` pair.
  • `CELERY_TASK_RESULT_EXPIRES` is listed as a time delta using ZConfig formatting. The set of suffixes recognized by ZConfig are: ‘w’ (weeks), ‘d’ (days), ‘h’ (hours), ‘m’ (minutes), ‘s’ (seconds). Values may be floats, for example:4w 2.5d 7h 12m 0.001s.
  • For the `CELERY_ROUTES` option, you can either specify python classes named by a dotted path or a python dictionary.

By using the `%import` line in your zope.conf configuration file, you automatically configure Celery to use the loader. If you want to use a different loader, you need to set the `CELERY_LOADER` environment variable before the configuration file is processed.


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