collective.plonetruegallery is a Plone product that implements a very
customizable and sophisticated gallery.
How It Works
All you need to do is select the ``Gallery View`` from the ``Display`` drop down
item for any Folder or Collection content type. Once that is done, a
``Gallery Settings`` tab is enabled for the type. With this, you can customize
the various settings for the Gallery.
Supported Display Types
To install any of the various extra display types, you need to install
the dependent package in buildout
- galleria(ships with)
- contact sheet(collective.ptg.contactsheet)
- thumbnail zoom gallery(collective.ptg.thumbnailzoom)
- presentation(collective.ptg.presentation)
- galleriffic(collective.ptg.galleriffic)
- highslide(collective.ptg.highslide)
- fancybox(collective.ptg.fancybox)
- pikachoose(collective.ptg.pikachoose)
- s3slider(collective.ptg.s3slider)
- nivo slider(collective.ptg.nivoslider)
- nivo gallery(collective.ptg.nivogallery)
- content flow(collective.ptg.contentflow)
- supersized(collective.ptg.supersized)