You are here: Home / LBN / Up2date / Plone and Zope / BastionLinux 25 / collective.azipfele-1.1.1-1.lbn25.noarch


Package Attributes
RPM  collective.azipfele-1.1.1-1.lbn25.noarch.rpm Architecture  noarch Size  80747 Created  2023/06/18 04:03:36 UTC
Package Specification
Summary Creates Zip files from Plone or other content asynchronous
Group Application/Internet
License ZPL
Home Page

This is a basic module aiming to create ZIP files asynchronous. Even if it has some basic built in data-extractors, it is not meant as a out-of-the-box package, but for integrators and addon-product authors.

Creating ZIP files in a request-response cycle may take a lot of time. With this package a zip job info is queued into a AMQP-Server (such as RabbitMQ).

The ZIP file is created in a worker instance. After the file was created an event is fired. With it i.e. an e-mail notification can be send out.

The state of the creation (pending, processing, finished) and the timestamps (queued, started, finished) are shared between worker and instance.

The worker instance gets a jobinfo (dict) with global key settings (dict) and a list of fileinfos (list of dicts). Each fileinfo has at least a valid UUID of an content item. For each fileinfo in the list one file will be created. It adapts the content with the given UUID with collective.azipfele.interfaces import IZipContentExtractor using ZCA. If fileinfo contains an extractor (string) it uses a named adapter.

The IZipContentExtractor takes on call the fileinfo and gloabl settings. it is expected to return a tuple of filename and the data to be stored in the zip with the filename. The returned filename can be a relative path as well.


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