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RPM Architecture  noarch Size  3634839 Created  2023/06/18 04:32:25 UTC
Package Specification
Summary Plone Mosaic
Group Application/Internet
License ZPL
Home Page

Plone Mosaic is a new layout solution for Plone. It’s built for Plone 5, but should also work on Plone 4.3 with Read this introduction and the package documentation for more details how to use this package. Concepts

Mosaic, Blocks and Tiles provide a simple, yet powerful way to manage the pages on your Plone website. At their core, they rely on semantic HTML and resources with valid, publishable URLs.

Mosaic Editor editor is a visual editor for pages rendered using Blocks. It relies on a grid system to place tiles onto a page in an intuitive, WYSIWYG, drag-and-drop manner. Using Mosaic Editor, it is easy to compose pages with complex, balanced and visually appealing layouts. - custom layout behavior for Dexterity content types

Currently, the Mosaic Editor is activated, when any content with Custom layout view active is being edited. (Custom layout is available for any content with Layout support behavior enabled.)

Blocks is a rendering algorithm based on HTML markup conventions. A page managed by Mosaic Editor is stored as a simple HTML document representing the actual content of that page as a standalone, publishable resource devoid of any site layout content (e.g. global navigation elements). This is referred to as content layout.

Tiles represent the dynamic portions of a page. At its most basic level, a tile is simply an HTML document with a publishable URL.

In practice, tiles are usually implemented as browser views deriving from the Tile base class and registered with the ZCML directive. This allows tiles to have some basic metadata and automatically generated edit forms for any configurable aspects , which Deco will expose to users. See plone.tiles for examples.

When work with tiles in Mosaic Editor, there are three types of tiles:

Text tiles Static HTML markup (WYSIWYG-edited text) placed into the content or site layout. Strictly speaking, text tiles are not tiles in that they do not involve any tile fetching or merging - instead they are stored as part of the page or site layout. To the user, however, a text tile can be moved around and managed like any other. Field tiles Render the value of a metadata field such as the title or description. The values of field tiles may be edited in-place in the page, but the value is stored in the underlying field and can be indexed in the catalog, used for navigation and so on. In practice, a field tile is an instance of the special tile with the field name passed as a parameter. App tiles Any other type of dynamic tile. Examples may include a folder listing, a media player, a poll or pretty much anything else you can think of.


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