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Marketplace email template

First use email

Thank you for spinning up our Enterprise Plone on Amazon Web Services infrastructure.

In order to get the most out of your product, you should consider our extended Plone packages and upgrade Zope and Plone ecosystem at  We also offer a full-service consultancy around building and deploying Plone applications and other enterprise infrastructure. 

We can also offer you a fully managed Plone from our Network Operations Centre.  This includes automated orchestration (including for horizontal scaling/clustering and DR/BCP) and real-time monitoring and management.  More information about this is at

Everything you have available on your AWS/Plone can be run on any other virtualisation platform (Docker, OpenStack, VMWare, bare-metal. and more...).  These are supported on BastionLinux, RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora.  Do visit for more information.  

Please feel free to contact us at if we can assist you at all.


New product version email

We have just released Plone 4.3.4 on AWS.  This is principally a bugfix release.  If you were using our BastionLinux 13 images previously, then there's also an entire operating system upgrade as well.

Our recommended upgrade path is simply to have a subscription to our Zope and Plone channel ( and use our native package manager, yum:

$ yum update

It's even easier if you're using our managed offering.

It is quite possible to copy necessary files and resources into a new AWS instance.  If you're an advanced Plone user you probably already have a fair idea about what's involved with migrating your ZEO and how to proceed with this.  Otherwise things become more complicated given we don't know if/what you've easy_installed into your Plone outside the BastionLinux ecosystem and although can certainly advise upon a on migration strategy, you're rather up to your own devices to manage this.


Declining usage email

If you were previously unaware, Plone is a sophisticated Enterprise system.  That is why we developed and integrated our Zope and Plone Channel ( to manage complex deployments and customisations - encompassing this within the orchestration features of our managed Plone offering.

There is a vast amount of community support for Plone at  This includes amazing amounts of online documentation, mailing lists, IRC channels and more.  You are also welcome to engage with us at and we've a range of support features and options at

If you've discovered something within our Plone which has made it less than useful for you, then please do contact us ( and we'll do our absolute best to rectify it for you.

If for whatever reason, you simply wish to migrate from the AWS platform, we do have a wide range of options for installation and management of an identical Plone in your own Datacentre, other cloud,  or datacentre operators - we can readily accommodate anything that supports BastionLinux (or RHEL/CentOS/Fedora).

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