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Zpydoc Products RPMManager Permissions
Package Products
Function getToolByName (obj, name, default=[])
Get the tool, 'toolname', by acquiring it. o Application code should use this method, rather than simply acquiring the tool by name, to ease forward migration (e.g., to Zope3).
Function pasRoles (acl_users)
returns a list of roles in the PAS
Function registerPermission (permission, roles)
Make sure that a permission is registered with the given roles.
Function rpmchannelSecurityPolicy (channel, add=True)
security policy for a RPMChannel ensuring only roles with download permision can do stuff
Function rpmmanagerSecurityPolicy (rpmmanager)
this is the default security policy for a RPMManager instance this policy is designed to make sense in the context of our permissions and up2date usage, make sure you understand what you are doing before changing anything!!
Function rpmuserAllowChannel (user, channelid)
add the channel-role to this user
Function rpmuserSecurityPolicy (user, channels)
security policy for a RPMUser - making them owner ...
Function rpmuserUnallowChannel (user, channelid)
remove the channel-role from this user
Function setDefaultRoles (permission, roles, object, acquire=1)

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