Feb 19, 2025
Feb 19, 2025
Feb 19, 2025
Feb 19, 2025
Feb 19, 2025
Feb 19, 2025
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Feb 19, 2025
Up one level
class RPMManager
A server used to manage and distribute RedHat RPM's as per
the XML-RPC expectations of the RedHat up2date suite.
The ZScheduleEvent is to manage billing.
RPMManager: Add RPMManager
Create a duplicate of the source resource whose state
and behavior match that of the source resource as closely
as possible. Though we may later try to make a copy appear
seamless across namespaces (e.g. from Zope to Apache), COPY
is currently only supported within the Zope namespace.
Contributors (self)
Deprecated alias of listContributors.
CreationDate (self, zone=None )
Dublin Core Date element - date resource created.
Creator (self)
Dublin Core Creator element - resource author.
Delete a resource. For non-collection resources, DELETE may
return either 200 or 204 (No Content) to indicate success.
Date (self, zone=None )
Dublin Core Date element - default date.
Description (self)
Dublin Core Description element - resource summary.
EffectiveDate (self, zone=None )
ExpirationDate (self, zone=None )
Format (self)
Dublin Core Format element - resource format.
Retrieve resource information without a response body.
Identifier (self)
Dublin Core Identifier element - resource ID.
Lock a resource
Language (self)
Dublin Core Language element - resource language.
Create a new collection resource. If called on an existing
resource, MKCOL must fail with 405 (Method Not Allowed).
Move a resource to a new location. Though we may later try to
make a move appear seamless across namespaces (e.g. from Zope
to Apache), MOVE is currently only supported within the Zope
ModificationDate (self, zone=None )
Dublin Core Date element - date resource last modified.
Retrieve communication options.
Retrieve properties defined on the resource.
Set and/or remove properties defined on the resource.
Replace the GET response entity of an existing resource.
Because this is often object-dependent, objects which handle
PUT should override the default PUT implementation with an
object-specific implementation. By default, PUT requests
fail with a 405 (Method Not Allowed).
Publisher (self)
Dublin Core Publisher element - resource publisher.
Rights (self)
Dublin Core Rights element - resource copyright.
SecurityCheckPermission (md, permission, object)
Check whether the security context allows the given permission on
the given object.
permission -- A permission name
object -- The object being accessed according to the permission
Subject (self)
Dublin Core Subject element - resource keywords.
Return the HTTP message received back to the client as the
entity-body of a 200 (OK) response. This will often usually
be intercepted by the web server in use. If not, the TRACE
request will fail with a 405 (Method Not Allowed), since it
is not often possible to reproduce the HTTP request verbatim
from within the Zope environment.
Title (self)
Dublin Core Title element - resource name.
Type (self)
Dublin Core Type element - resource type.
Remove an existing lock on a resource.
InitializeClass (self)
getPortalTypeName (self)
needed for the portal type view mechanism ...
wl_lockmapping (self, killinvalids=0 , create=0 )
if 'killinvalids' is 1, locks who are no longer valid
will be deleted
absolute_url (self, relative=0 )
Return the absolute URL of the object.
This a canonical URL based on the object's physical
containment path. It is affected by the virtual host
configuration, if any, and can be used by external
agents, such as a browser, to address the object.
If the relative argument is provided, with a true value, then
the value of virtual_url_path() is returned.
Some Products incorrectly use '/'+absolute_url(1) as an
absolute-path reference. This breaks in certain virtual
hosting situations, and should be changed to use
absolute_url_path() instead.
absolute_url_path (self)
Return the path portion of the absolute URL of the object.
This includes the leading slash, and can be used as an
'absolute-path reference' as defined in RFC 2396.
ac_inherited_permissions (self, all=0 )
access_debug_info (self)
Return debug info.
acquiredRolesAreUsedBy (self, permission)
actions (self)
return a list of valid transitions for the object
active (self)
active status flag
addCreator (self, creator=None )
Modify portal content
Add creator to Dublin Core creators.
basicAuthUrl (self, user='usrname' , pwd='password' )
returns a demonstration of the url syntax you need to connect with
bobobase_modification_time (self)
capability (self)
capabilies expressed in proper string format
cb_isCopyable (self)
cb_isMoveable (self)
cb_userHasCopyOrMovePermission (self)
chains (self, wftool=None )
View management screens
return workflow chains
changeOwnership (self, user, recursive=0 )
Change the ownership to the given user.
If 'recursive' is true then also take ownership of all sub-objects,
otherwise sub-objects retain their ownership information.
content_type (self)
WebDAV needs this to do the Right Thing (TM).
countries (self)
created (self)
Dublin Core Date element - date resource created.
cronTab (self)
crontab-formatted times
dav__init (self, request, response)
dav__simpleifhandler (self, request, response, method='PUT' , col=0 , url=None , refresh=0 )
dav__validate (self, object, methodname, REQUEST)
debugInfo (self)
View management screens
return tuple of sorted dict key, values
detectReleaseFile (self)
returns the release config file ie /etc/fedora-release
detectReleaseSubstring (self)
returns the release contents of the *detectReleaseFile()*
editMetadata (self, title='' , subject=() , description='' , contributors=() , effective_date=None , expiration_date=None , format='text/html' , language='en-US' , rights='' )
Modify portal content
Need to add check for webDAV locked resource for TTW methods.
effective (self)
Dublin Core Date element - date resource becomes effective.
emptyContent (self)
initially dupe kupu into setting a blank field
event (self)
return the actual event object/method
the event object's security permissions control access
expandedCronTab (self)
cron time with ranges etc expanded into commas
expires (self)
Dublin Core Date element - date resource expires.
famNewPackage (self, filename)
Change configuration
a File Attribute Monitor notification that a new package has arrived
on the file system
refresh any name matches found on our channels
famRemovePackage (self, filename)
Change configuration
a File Attribute Monitor notification that a new package has arrived
on the file system
just go change it's status
filtered_manage_options (self, REQUEST=None )
getActionInfo (self, action_chain, check_visibility=0 , check_condition=0 )
Get an Action info mapping specified by a chain of actions.
getActionsFor (self, workflow)
View management screens
return a list of valid transition states
getAllStatusIdsOf (self, workflow)
View management screens
return a list of valid state (ids) for the workflow
getAttribute (self, name)
getAttributeNode (self, name)
getAttributes (self)
getBastionDomain (self)
return a BastionDomain - DNS info for anything within a hosting
getChildNodes (self)
getContentType (self, fieldname)
kupu get's confused with our non-AT types ...
getDefaultStatusOf (self, workflow)
View management screens
return the initial state of the workflow
getElementsByTagName (self, tagname)
getField (self, fieldname)
kupu get's confused with our non-AT types
getFirstChild (self)
icon (self, relative_to_portal=0 )
Using this method allows the content class
creator to grab icons on the fly instead of using a fixed
attribute on the class.
getIconURL (self)
Get the absolute URL of the icon for the object.
getId (self)
Return the id of the object as a string.
This method should be used in preference to accessing an id attribute
of an object directly. The getId method is public.
getLastChild (self)
getMetadataHeaders (self)
Return RFC-822-style headers.
getNextSibling (self)
getNodeName (self)
getNodeType (self)
getNodeValue (self)
getObsoletes (self, channel, version, REQUEST=None )
RPMManager: Download RPMS
getOwner (self, info=0 , aq_get= , UnownableOwner=[] , getSecurityManager= )
Get the owner
If a true argument is provided, then only the owner path and id are
returned. Otherwise, the owner object is returned.
getOwnerDocument (self)
getOwnerTuple (self)
Return a tuple, (userdb_path, user_id) for the owner.
o Ownership can be acquired, but only from the containment path.
o If unowned, return None.
getPackage (self, channel, filename, offset=0 , REQUEST=None )
RPMManager: Download RPMS
stream the package off the file system
(and yes we DO expect a REQUEST...)
getPackageHeader (self, channel, filename, REQUEST)
RPMManager: Download RPMS
filename = '4Suite-1.0-a3.i686.hdr'
getPackageSource (self, channel, filename, offset=0 , REQUEST=None )
RPMManager: Download SRPMS
getParentNode (self)
getPath (self)
Access contents information
getPhysicalPath (self)
getPortalTypeName (self)
needed for the portal type view mechanism ...
getPreviousSibling (self)
getProperty (self, id, d=None )
Access contents information
getPropertyType (self, id)
Access contents information
getStatusOf (self, workflow, wftool=None , variable=None )
View management screens
return the status of ourselves in the context of this workflow (the corresponding
WorkflowTool function is strangely declared private ...
getTagName (self)
getTypeInfo (self)
Get the TypeInformation object specified by the portal type.
getURL (self, relative=False )
Access contents information
getWrappedOwner (self)
Get the owner, modestly wrapped in the user folder.
o If the object is not owned, return None.
o If the owner's user database doesn't exist, return Nobody.
o If the owner ID does not exist in the user database, return Nobody.
get_isos (self)
return a tuple of iso image names and sizes
get_local_roles (self)
get_local_roles_for_userid (self, userid)
get_valid_userids (self)
hasChildNodes (self)
hasProperty (self, id)
Access contents information
has_local_roles (self)
html2pdf (self, html, encode=True )
return a pdf-representation of the html document, encode is to base64-encode
http__etag (self, readonly=0 )
http__parseMatchList (self, REQUEST, header='if-match' )
http__processMatchHeaders (self, REQUEST=None )
http__refreshEtag (self)
indexObject (self)
Modify portal content
Index the object in the portal catalog.
isAgentProcessing (self)
returns if this RPMManager is allowing RPMAgent processing
isBilling (self)
Access contents information
indicate whether this RPMManager is capable of billing
isCA (self)
whether or not we're capable of doing/managing CA certificates
isEffective (self, date)
Is the date within the resource's effective range?
isMaintainerProcessing (self)
returns if this RPMManager is allowing RPMMaintainer processing
json (self, only=None , exclude=None , **config)
return JSON representation of item
listAllPackages (self, channel, version, REQUEST=None )
RPMManager: Download RPMS
listContributors (self)
Dublin Core Contributor elements - resource collaborators.
listCreators (self)
List Dublin Core Creator elements - resource authors.
listDAVObjects (self)
listPackages (self, channel, version, REQUEST=None )
RPMManager: Download RPMS
supposed to return a package list and a type (f**k knows what that is...)
manage (self, URL1)
manage_DAVget (self)
Gets the document source
manage_FTPlist (self, REQUEST)
Directory listing for FTP.
In the case of non-Foldoid objects, the listing should contain one
object, the object itself.
manage_FTPstat (self, REQUEST)
Psuedo stat, used by FTP for directory listings.
manage_access (self, REQUEST, **kw)
Change permissions
Return an interface for making permissions settings.
manage_acquiredPermissions (self, permissions=[] , REQUEST=[] )
Change the permissions that acquire.
manage_addLocalRoles (self, userid, roles, REQUEST=[] )
Set local roles for a user.
manage_addProperty (self, id, value, type, REQUEST=None )
Manage properties
Add a new property via the web.
Sets a new property with the given id, type, and value.
manage_afterAdd (self, item, container)
manage_afterClone (self, item)
manage_beforeDelete (self, item, container)
manage_changeOwnership (self, userid, recursive=0 , REQUEST=None )
Take ownership
go change the owner to specified user (if found)
manage_changeOwnershipType (self, explicit=[] , RESPONSE=[] , REQUEST=[] )
Take ownership
Change the type (implicit or explicit) of ownership.
manage_changePermissions (self, REQUEST)
Change permissions
Change all permissions settings, called by management screen.
manage_changeProperties (self, REQUEST=None , **kw)
Manage properties
Change existing object properties.
Change object properties by passing either a REQUEST object or
name=value parameters
manage_changePropertyTypes (self, old_ids, props, REQUEST=None )
Manage properties
Replace one set of properties with another
Delete all properties that have ids in old_ids, then add a
property for each item in props. Each item has a new_id,
new_value, and new_type. The type of new_value should match
manage_changeStatus (self, wfid, action, REQUEST=None )
Manage properties
do a workflow transition from the ZMI
manage_debugDelAttrs (self, attrs, REQUEST=None )
Change configuration
remove attributes from object
manage_defined_roles (self, submit=None , REQUEST=None )
Called by management screen.
manage_delLocalRoles (self, userids, REQUEST=[] )
Remove all local roles for a user.
manage_delProperties (self, ids=None , REQUEST=None )
Manage properties
Delete one or more properties specified by 'ids'.
manage_download (self, order, REQUEST=None )
create an octet-stream from a BLOrder (BastionLedger) and chuck a tarball back at the user ...
If you aren't using BastionLedger, then you can just set permissions and allow
individual downloads ...
manage_downloadISO (self, REQUEST, index=0 )
RPMManager: Download RPMS
download an iso image
manage_editMetadata (self, title, subject, description, contributors, effective_date, expiration_date, format, language, rights, REQUEST)
Modify portal content
Update metadata from the ZMI.
manage_editProperties (self, REQUEST)
Manage properties
Edit object properties via the web.
The purpose of this method is to change all property values,
even those not listed in REQUEST; otherwise checkboxes that
get turned off will be ignored. Use manage_changeProperties()
instead for most situations.
manage_editRoles (self, REQUEST, acl_type='A' , acl_roles=[] )
manage_editSchedule (self, tz, minute, hour, month, day_of_month, day_of_week, active=False , REQUEST=None )
update the schedule info ...
manage_editedDialog (self, REQUEST, **args)
manage_errata (self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
View management screens
manage_fixObjectCreated (self, REQUEST=None )
seems (indexable) stuff not created via _setObject doesn't get some necessary
handlers called to setup uuid etc
manage_fixupOwnershipAfterAdd (self)
manage_forceStatus (self, wfid, state, REQUEST=None )
Manage properties
force a workflow transition
manage_generateCACert (self, days=3650 , REQUEST=None )
generate a CA certificate valid for the specified number of days
manage_generateCert (self, memberid, REQUEST=None )
generate a certificate for the member, signing it with our CA
manage_getPermissionMapping (self)
Return the permission mapping for the object
This is a list of dictionaries with:
permission_name -- The name of the native object permission
class_permission -- The class permission the permission is
mapped to.
manage_getUserRolesAndPermissions (self, user_id)
Used for permission/role reporting for a given user_id.
Returns a dict mapping
'user_defined_in' -> path where the user account is defined
'roles' -> global roles,
'roles_in_context' -> roles in context of the current object,
'allowed_permissions' -> permissions allowed for the user,
'disallowed_permissions' -> all other permissions
manage_invokeEvent (self, *args, **kw)
dispatch to callable and log any results
manage_mirrors (self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
View management screens
manage_oidSearch (self, oid)
View management screens
search for an OID (usually result of fsrefs) and identify the object
manage_permission (self, permission_to_manage, roles=[] , acquire=[] , REQUEST=[] )
Change the settings for the given permission.
If optional arg acquire is true, then the roles for the permission
are acquired, in addition to the ones specified, otherwise the
permissions are restricted to only the designated roles.
manage_ploneCatalog (self, REQUEST=None )
View management screens
add the damned thing into Plone so it appears in navigation ...
manage_psc (self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
View management screens
manage_rebuildCatalog (self, REQUEST=None )
Change configuration
hmmm - plone catalogs are necessary for the navigation portal, but we can't
catalog-index them because we don't have strict container relationships for
our channels ...
manage_registration (self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
View management screens
manage_reloadPAS (self, REQUEST=None )
Change configuration
go and reload all users/roles in PAS based upon our channels and users
manage_repair (self, REQUEST=None )
manage_rhnsd (self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
View management screens
manage_role (self, role_to_manage, permissions=[] , REQUEST=[] )
Change the permissions given to the given role.
manage_schedule (self, REQUEST=None )
notify the scheduler
manage_setLocalRoles (self, userid, roles, REQUEST=[] )
Set local roles for a user.
manage_setPermissionMapping (self, permission_names=[] , class_permissions=[] , REQUEST=[] )
Change the permission mapping
manage_takeOwnership (self, REQUEST, RESPONSE, recursive=[] )
Take ownership
Take ownership (responsibility) for an object.
If 'recursive' is true, then also take ownership of all sub-objects.
manage_undo_transactions (self, transaction_info=() , REQUEST=None )
Undo changes
manage_unschedule (self, REQUEST=None )
notify the scheduler
manage_up2date (self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
View management screens
manage_uploadCAFromFile (self, REQUEST=None )
if our ca_certfile is set, assign ca attrs from this certificate
manage_workspace (self, REQUEST)
Dispatch to first interface in manage_options
managedRPMs (self)
View management screens
all of the RPM packages on the filesystem being 'actively' managed and controlled
by this RPMManager (including 'missing' ones)
modified (self)
Dublin Core Date element - date resource last modified.
nextEventTime (self, time=None )
return next executable time after given time
notifyModified (self)
Take appropriate action after the resource has been modified.
Update creators and modification_date.
notifyWorkflowCreated (self)
Notify the workflow that the object was just created.
objectValues (self, spec=None )
objectValues (self, spec=None )
objectValues (self, spec=None )
opaqueIds (self)
Return opaque ids (subelements that are contained
using something that is not an ObjectManager).
opaqueItems (self)
Return opaque items (subelements that are contained
using something that is not an ObjectManager).
opaqueValues (self)
Return opaque values (subelements that are contained
using something that is not an ObjectManager).
osReleases (self)
Access contents information
a list of all the OS release's of this distro
owner_info (self)
View management screens
Get ownership info for display
permission_settings (self, permission=None )
Return user-role permission settings.
If 'permission' is passed to the method then only the settings for
'permission' is returned.
permissionsOfRole (self, role)
Returns a role to permission mapping.
portalCatalogMe (self, REQUEST=None )
Modify portal content
stick object in portal catalog (sometimes we just internally catalog
stuff but want navigation etc)
possible_permissions (self)
prettyCapabilities (self)
nicely formatted capabilites list
propdict (self)
Access contents information
propertyDescription (self, id)
Access contents information
propertyIds (self)
Access contents information
propertyItems (self)
Access contents information
propertyLabel (self, id)
Access contents information
propertyMap (self)
Access contents information
propertyValues (self)
Access contents information
publishTraverse (self, REQUEST, name)
This is copied from OFS/Application.py and seems strangely necessary
since Plone 3.0 (to 4.3 at least) upgrade ... so that containers-as-attributes
can be traversed ...
raise_standardErrorMessage (self, client=None , REQUEST={} , error_type=None , error_value=None , tb=None , error_tb=None , error_message='' , tagSearch= , error_log_url='' )
reindexObject (self, idxs=[] )
Modify portal content
Reindex the object in the portal catalog.
reindexObjectSecurity (self, skip_self=False )
Modify portal content
Reindex security-related indexes on the object.
releaseConfigPkg (self)
return's the package with all the up2date config etc to allow a user to quickly
turn a competing distro into ours ...
restrictedTraverse (self, path, default= )
rolesOfPermission (self, permission)
Returns a permission to role mapping.
rpmManager (self)
Access contents information
helper to acquire us
setContributors (self, contributors)
Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Contributor elements - resource collaborators.
setCreators (self, creators)
Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Creator elements - resource authors.
setDescription (self, description)
Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Description element - resource summary.
setEffectiveDate (self, effective_date)
Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Date element - date resource becomes effective.
setExpirationDate (self, expiration_date)
Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Date element - date resource expires.
setFormat (self, format)
Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Format element - resource format.
setId (self, value)
Modify portal content
Sets the object id. - this is the Archetypes::BaseObject implementation ...
setLanguage (self, language)
Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Language element - resource language.
setModificationDate (self, modification_date=None )
Modify portal content
Set the date when the resource was last modified.
When called without an argument, sets the date to now.
setRights (self, rights)
Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Rights element - resource copyright.
setSubject (self, subject)
Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Subject element - resource keywords.
setTitle (self, title)
Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Title element - resource name.
status (self, wftool=None , wf_var='review_state' )
return workflow status
tabs_path_default (self, REQUEST, unquote= )
tabs_path_info (self, script, path, quote= )
test_schedule (self, start_time=None , size=10 )
visually display next scheduled times ...
this (self)
timezones (self)
return known timezones
title_and_id (self)
Return the title if it is not blank and the id otherwise.
If the title is not blank, then the id is included in parens.
title_or_id (self)
Return the title if it is not blank and the id otherwise.
tpURL (self)
tpValues (self)
undoable_transactions (self, first_transaction=None , last_transaction=None , PrincipiaUndoBatchSize=None )
Undo changes
unindexObject (self)
Modify portal content
Unindex the object from the portal catalog.
unrestrictedTraverse (self, path, default= , restricted=False )
Lookup an object by path.
path -- The path to the object. May be a sequence of strings or a slash
separated string. If the path begins with an empty path element
(i.e., an empty string or a slash) then the lookup is performed
from the application root. Otherwise, the lookup is relative to
self. Two dots (..) as a path element indicates an upward traversal
to the acquisition parent.
default -- If provided, this is the value returned if the path cannot
be traversed for any reason (i.e., no object exists at that path or
the object is inaccessible).
restricted -- If false (default) then no security checking is performed.
If true, then all of the objects along the path are validated with
the security machinery. Usually invoked using restrictedTraverse().
userCanTakeOwnership (self)
userdefined_roles (self)
Return list of user-defined roles.
users_with_local_role (self, role)
validCACert (self)
verify the CA Certificate looks like a valid X09 CA certificate
validCAKey (self)
verify the CA Key path looks like it contains valid RSA private key
valid_roles (self)
Return list of valid roles.
valid_property_id (self, id)
Access contents information
valid_roles (self)
Return list of valid roles.
validate_roles (self, roles)
Return true if all given roles are valid.
virtual_url_path (self)
Return a URL for the object, relative to the site root.
If a virtual host is configured, the URL is a path relative to
the virtual host's root object. Otherwise, it is the physical
path. In either case, the URL does not begin with a slash.
wl_clearLocks (self)
wl_delLock (self, locktoken)
wl_getLock (self, locktoken)
wl_hasLock (self, token, killinvalids=0 )
wl_isLocked (self)
wl_lockItems (self, killinvalids=0 )
wl_lockTokens (self, killinvalids=0 )
wl_lockValues (self, killinvalids=0 )
wl_lockmapping (self, killinvalids=0 , create=0 )
if 'killinvalids' is 1, locks who are no longer valid
will be deleted
**Monkey patched by** 'plone.protect.monkey.wl_lockmapping'
wl_setLock (self, locktoken, lock)
workflowHistory (self, workflow)
View management screens
return the worflow history/transition info (latest first)
(ob, event)
setup special roles etc
(obj, name, default=[] )
Get the tool, 'toolname', by acquiring it.
o Application code should use this method, rather than simply
acquiring the tool by name, to ease forward migration (e.g.,
to Zope3).
(self, id, title='Redhat Network Manager' , REQUEST=None )
(self, REQUEST=None )
Notify all subscribers of ``event``.
returns a list of roles in the PAS
(channel, add=True )
security policy for a RPMChannel ensuring only roles with download permision
can do stuff
this is the default security policy for a RPMManager instance
this policy is designed to make sense in the context of our permissions and
up2date usage, make sure you understand what you are doing before changing
(user, channelid)
add the channel-role to this user
(cert, days)
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