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Zpydoc Products RPMManager RPMReleaseFolder
File Products.RPMManager.utils
Class  class RPMReleaseFolder ( LargePortalFolder , ZSyncerSupport )
An Operating System Release
Plus Lock  Change configuration
Implements IPublishTraverse IRPMReleaseFolder IPropertySchema IPersistentExtra IPersistent IFolder IObjectManager ICopyContainer INavigation IAcquirer IDAVCollection IDAVResource IWriteLock EtagBaseInterface ITraversable IPropertyManager IRoleManager IPermissionMappingSupport IItem ICopySource IOwned IUndoSupport IFindSupport IJSONRepresentation ISimpleItem ICatalogAware IWorkflowAware IOpaqueItemManager IFolderish IMutableMinimalDublinCore IDynamicType IDublinCore ICatalogableDublinCore IMutableDublinCore IOrderedContainer ILocalPortletAssignable IUUIDAware IAttributeUUID
Create a duplicate of the source resource whose state and behavior match that of the source resource as closely as possible. Though we may later try to make a copy appear seamless across namespaces (e.g. from Zope to Apache), COPY is currently only supported within the Zope namespace.
Method Contributors(self)
Lock   View
Deprecated alias of listContributors.
Method CreationDate(self, zone=None)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Date element - date resource created.
Method Creator(self)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Creator element - resource author.
Delete a collection resource. For collection resources, DELETE may return either 200 (OK) or 204 (No Content) to indicate total success, or may return 207 (Multistatus) to indicate partial success. Note that in Zope a DELETE currently never returns 207.
Method Date(self, zone=None)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Date element - default date.
Method Description(self)
Lock   View
just return the description for the channel
Method EffectiveDate(self, zone=None)
Lock   View
Method ExpirationDate(self, zone=None)
Lock   View
Method Format(self)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Format element - resource format.
Retrieve resource information without a response body.
Method Identifier(self)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Identifier element - resource ID.
Lock a resource
Method Language(self)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Language element - resource language.
Create a new collection resource. If called on an existing resource, MKCOL must fail with 405 (Method Not Allowed).
Method MKCOL_handler(self, id, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None)
Handle WebDAV MKCOL.
Move a resource to a new location. Though we may later try to make a move appear seamless across namespaces (e.g. from Zope to Apache), MOVE is currently only supported within the Zope namespace.
Method ModificationDate(self, zone=None)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Date element - date resource last modified.
Retrieve communication options.
Retrieve properties defined on the resource.
Set and/or remove properties defined on the resource.
The PUT method has no inherent meaning for collection resources, though collections are not specifically forbidden to handle PUT requests. The default response to a PUT request for collections is 405 (Method Not Allowed).
Method PUT_factory(self, name, typ, body)
Factory for PUT requests to objects which do not yet exist. Used by NullResource.PUT. Returns -- Bare and empty object of the appropriate type (or None, if we don't know what to do)
Method ZopeFind(self, obj, obj_ids=None, obj_metatypes=None, obj_searchterm=None, obj_expr=None, obj_mtime=None, obj_mspec=None, obj_permission=None, obj_roles=None, search_sub=0, REQUEST=None, result=None, pre='')
Zope Find interface
Method Publisher(self)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Publisher element - resource publisher.
Method Rights(self)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Rights element - resource copyright.
Method SQLConnectionIDs(container)
Find SQL database connections in the current folder and above This function returns a list of two-element tuples. The second element is the connection ID, the first element either its title, or if the title is empty, its ID.
Method SecurityCheckPermission(md, permission, object)
Check whether the security context allows the given permission on the given object. Arguments: permission -- A permission name object -- The object being accessed according to the permission
Method Subject(self)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Subject element - resource keywords.
Return the HTTP message received back to the client as the entity-body of a 200 (OK) response. This will often usually be intercepted by the web server in use. If not, the TRACE request will fail with a 405 (Method Not Allowed), since it is not often possible to reproduce the HTTP request verbatim from within the Zope environment.
Method Title(self)
Lock   View
consistent title between releases
Method Type(self)
Lock   View
Remove an existing lock on a resource.
Method ZQueryIds(self)
Method ZopeFind(self, obj, obj_ids=None, obj_metatypes=None, obj_searchterm=None, obj_expr=None, obj_mtime=None, obj_mspec=None, obj_permission=None, obj_roles=None, search_sub=0, REQUEST=None, result=None, pre='')
Zope Find interface
Method ZopeFindAndApply(self, obj, obj_ids=None, obj_metatypes=None, obj_searchterm=None, obj_expr=None, obj_mtime=None, obj_mspec=None, obj_permission=None, obj_roles=None, search_sub=0, REQUEST=None, result=None, pre='', apply_func=None, apply_path='')
Zope Find interface and apply
Method InitializeClass(self)
Method manage_FTPlist(self, REQUEST)
Directory listing for FTP.
Method destServer(self, credentials=True)
we can really only deal with one ZSyncer at a time, so this function filters any commented server(s) in the list, returning just the first if credentials is false, we remove any user/password credentials from the returned url
Method getPortalTypeName(self)
needed for the portal type view mechanism ...
Method wl_lockmapping(self, killinvalids=0, create=0)
if 'killinvalids' is 1, locks who are no longer valid will be deleted
Method absolute_url(self, relative=0)
Return the absolute URL of the object. This a canonical URL based on the object's physical containment path. It is affected by the virtual host configuration, if any, and can be used by external agents, such as a browser, to address the object. If the relative argument is provided, with a true value, then the value of virtual_url_path() is returned. Some Products incorrectly use '/'+absolute_url(1) as an absolute-path reference. This breaks in certain virtual hosting situations, and should be changed to use absolute_url_path() instead.
Method absolute_url_path(self)
Return the path portion of the absolute URL of the object. This includes the leading slash, and can be used as an 'absolute-path reference' as defined in RFC 2396.
Method ac_inherited_permissions(self, all=0)
Method access_debug_info(self)
Return debug info.
Method acquiredRolesAreUsedBy(self, permission)
Method actions(self)
Lock   View
return a list of valid transitions for the object
Method addCreator(self, creator=None)
Lock   Modify portal content
Add creator to Dublin Core creators.
Method addDTMLDocument(self, id, title='', file='', REQUEST=None, submit=None)
Add a DTML Document object with the contents of file. If 'file' is empty, default document text is used.
Method addDTMLMethod(self, id, title='', file='', REQUEST=None, submit=None)
Add a DTML Method object with the contents of file. If 'file' is empty, default document text is used.
Method addRepoFromTag(self, tag)
Lock   Change configuration
Method additional_buttons(self)
Method allPackages(self, archs=[])
Lock   Access contents information
return list of filenames of all packages on the filesystem
Method all_meta_types(self)
Method allowedContentTypes(self)
List type info objects for types which can be added in this folder.
Method analyseClosure(self, output='', do_rpms=True, do_libs=True, do_bins=True, REQUEST=None)
Method availablePackages(self, archs=[], regexp='')
Lock   Access contents information
return list of filenames of unassigned packages across all channels
Method bobobase_modification_time(self)
Method callManyRemote(self, methodlist)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Call multiple remote methods and return a list of return values, using as few requests as possible. methodlist should be a sequence of dictionaries with the following keys: 'path': (optional): path to the object on which to call the method, relative to the remote syncer's base. If not provided, the zsyncer itself is used. 'name': name of the method. 'args' (optional): list of positional arguments to pass. 'kwargs' (optional): dictionary of keyword arguments to pass.
Method callMethod_(self, path, method_name, *args, **kw)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Call an arbitrary method (with security checks). *path* is path to the object. If it is None, the zsyncer itself will be used. *method_name* is method to call. Any result is returned. This is intended to be called by the client zsyncer, ONLY via callRemote(), but there is no way to enforce that. Note that for security reasons, you must have permission to use ZSyncer *and* to call the requested method in context.
Method callMethods_(self, methodlist)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Call a list of arbitrary methods (with security checks). Return a list of results. *methodlist* is a list of dictionaries with these keys: 'path': path to the object on which to call the method, relative to the base folder. (optional, defaults to the syncer itself). 'name': name of the method. 'args' (optional): list of positional arguments to pass. 'kwargs' (optional): dictionary of keyword arguments to pass. This is intended to be called by the client zsyncer, ONLY via callManyRemote(), but there is no way to enforce that. Note that for security reasons, you must have permission to use ZSyncer *and* to call all the requested methods in context.
Method callRemote(self, server_url, path, method_name, *args, **kw)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Find an arbitrary callable at *path* on the remote server, call it with the given arguments, and return the result. If *path* is None, it's the remote syncer itself.
Method call_(self, request, REQUEST=None)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
*request* (poorly named, but changing it breaks stuff) is not an HTTPRequest, rather it should be a pickled tuple containing method_name (string), arguments (a sequence), and keyword arguments (a dictionary). Return value is a pickled tuple of (success, value) where success is boolean and value is the return value of getattr(self, method_name)(*args, **kwargs)
Method cb_dataItems(self)
Method cb_dataValid(self)
Method cb_isCopyable(self)
Method cb_isMoveable(self)
Method cb_userHasCopyOrMovePermission(self)
Method chains(self, wftool=None)
Lock   View management screens
return workflow chains
Method changeOwnership(self, user, recursive=0)
Change the ownership to the given user. If 'recursive' is true then also take ownership of all sub-objects, otherwise sub-objects retain their ownership information.
Method channel(self)
catalog function to return which channel
Method checkIdAvailable(self, id)
Method contentIds(self, filter=None)
Method contentItems(self, filter=None)
Method contentValues(self, filter=None, sort_on=None, reverse=0)
Method content_type(self)
WebDAV needs this to do the Right Thing (TM).
Method created(self)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Date element - date resource created.
Method dav__init(self, request, response)
Method dav__simpleifhandler(self, request, response, method='PUT', col=0, url=None, refresh=0)
Method dav__validate(self, object, methodname, REQUEST)
Method debugInfo(self)
Lock   View management screens
return tuple of sorted dict key, values
Method decodeFolderFilter(self, encoded)
Parse cookie string for using variables in dtml.
Method destServer(self, credentials=True)
Lock   Access contents information
we can really only deal with one ZSyncer at a time, so this function filters any commented server(s) in the list, returning just the first if credentials is false, we remove any user/password credentials from the returned url
Method destServers(self)
Lock   Access contents information
returns list of non-commented servers
Method edit(self, title='', description='')
Edit the folder title (and possibly other attributes later)
Method editMetadata(self, title='', subject=(), description='', contributors=(), effective_date=None, expiration_date=None, format='text/html', language='en-US', rights='')
Lock   Modify portal content
Need to add check for webDAV locked resource for TTW methods.
Method effective(self)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Date element - date resource becomes effective.
Method emptyContent(self)
initially dupe kupu into setting a blank field
Method encodeFolderFilter(self, REQUEST)
Parse cookie string for using variables in dtml.
Method expires(self)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Date element - date resource expires.
Method EditLink(self, object, borrow_lock=0, skip_data=0)
Insert the external editor link to an object if appropriate
Method filtered_manage_options(self, REQUEST=None)
Method filtered_meta_types(self, user=None)
Method folderlistingFolderContents(self, contentFilter=None, suppressHiddenFiles=0)
Method generateId(self, prefix='item', suffix='', rand_ceiling=999999999)
Lock   Access contents information
Returns an ID not used yet by this folder. The ID is unlikely to collide with other threads and clients. The IDs are sequential to optimize access to objects that are likely to have some relation.
Method get(self, name, default=None)
Lock   Access contents information
Method getActionInfo(self, action_chain, check_visibility=0, check_condition=0)
Get an Action info mapping specified by a chain of actions.
Method getActionsFor(self, workflow)
Lock   View management screens
return a list of valid transition states
Method getAllStatusIdsOf(self, workflow)
Lock   View management screens
return a list of valid state (ids) for the workflow
Method getArchs(self)
return a list of supported architectures for this release
Method getAttribute(self, name)
Method getAttributeNode(self, name)
Method getAttributes(self)
Method getBastionDomain(self)
return a BastionDomain - DNS info for anything within a hosting context
Method getBatchObjectListing(self, REQUEST=None)
Lock   View management screens
Return a structure for a page template to show the list of objects.
Method getIdsSubset(self, objs)
Method getChildNodes(self)
Method getContentType(self, fieldname)
kupu get's confused with our non-AT types ...
Method getDefaultSorting(self)
Method getDefaultStatusOf(self, workflow)
Lock   View management screens
return the initial state of the workflow
Method getElementsByTagName(self, tagname)
Method getErrorAdvice(self, error_type, error_value)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Given an error_type and error_value, say something helpful :-) This is a bit hacky because of having two connection methods that do different things.
Method getField(self, fieldname)
Method getFirstChild(self)
Method icon(self, relative_to_portal=0)
Using this method allows the content class creator to grab icons on the fly instead of using a fixed attribute on the class.
Method getIconURL(self)
Get the absolute URL of the icon for the object.
Method getId(self)
Return the id of the object as a string. This method should be used in preference to accessing an id attribute of an object directly. The getId method is public.
Method getIdsSubset(self, objs)
Method getLastChild(self)
Method getMetadataHeaders(self)
Lock   View
Return RFC-822-style headers.
Method getNextSibling(self)
Method getNodeName(self)
Method getNodeType(self)
Method getNodeValue(self)
Method getObjectPosition(self, id)
Method getOwner(self, info=0, aq_get=, UnownableOwner=[], getSecurityManager=)
Get the owner If a true argument is provided, then only the owner path and id are returned. Otherwise, the owner object is returned.
Method getOwnerDocument(self)
Method getOwnerTuple(self)
Return a tuple, (userdb_path, user_id) for the owner. o Ownership can be acquired, but only from the containment path. o If unowned, return None.
Method getParentNode(self)
Method getPath(self)
Lock   Access contents information
Method getPathInfo(self, path)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Useful for building UIs. Returns a dictionary with the following keys/values: 'full': absolute_url_path of the object (requires Zope 2.7 or higher). If the object is not found, assume it's an 'extra' object; then full = path. 'relative': string path to the object relative to this zsyncer. If the object is not found, assume it's an 'extra' object; in that case, full = path. 'id_or_path': string path relative to REQUEST['folder'] if REQUEST['recursive'] is true; otherwise, id (the final path element).
Method getPhysicalPath(self)
Method getPortalTypeName(self)
needed for the portal type view mechanism ...
Method getPreviousSibling(self)
Method getProperty(self, id, d=None)
Method getPropertyType(self, id)
Method getSiteManager(self)
Method getSize(self, ob=None)
Method getStatusOf(self, workflow, wftool=None, variable=None)
Lock   View management screens
return the status of ourselves in the context of this workflow (the corresponding WorkflowTool function is strangely declared private ...
Method getSyncerRootId(self)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Get the ID of the object to use for traversing to syncable objects.
Method getSyncerRootPath(self)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Get path to the root to use for traversing to syncable objects, as a string.
Method getTagName(self)
Method getTypeInfo(self)
Lock   View
Get the TypeInformation object specified by the portal type.
Method getURL(self, relative=False)
Lock   Access contents information
Method getWrappedOwner(self)
Get the owner, modestly wrapped in the user folder. o If the object is not owned, return None. o If the owner's user database doesn't exist, return Nobody. o If the owner ID does not exist in the user database, return Nobody.
Method get_local_roles(self)
Method get_local_roles_for_userid(self, userid)
Method get_size(self)
display something useful for container size
Method get_valid_userids(self)
Method hasChildNodes(self)
Method has_key(self, id)
Lock   Access contents information
Indicates whether the folder has an item by ID.
Method hasProperty(self, id)
Method has_key(self, id)
Lock   Access contents information
Indicates whether the folder has an item by ID.
Method has_local_roles(self)
Method html2pdf(self, html, encode=True)
return a pdf-representation of the html document, encode is to base64-encode
Method http__etag(self, readonly=0)
Method http__parseMatchList(self, REQUEST, header='if-match')
Method http__processMatchHeaders(self, REQUEST=None)
Method http__refreshEtag(self)
Method indexObject(self)
Lock   Modify portal content
Index the object in the portal catalog.
Method invokeFactory(self, type_name, id, RESPONSE=None, *args, **kw)
Method isEffective(self, date)
Lock   View
Is the date within the resource's effective range?
Method isGems(self)
Lock   View
return whether we've got ruby gems support infrastructure
Method isPyPi(self)
Lock   View
return whether we've got pypi support infrastructure
Method isRedCarpet(self)
Lock   View
return whether we've got Red Carpet support infrastructure
Method isYum(self)
Lock   View
return whether we've got yum support infrastructure
Method is_diffable(self, meta_type=None, status='ok')
Do we know how to render a diff for this type? and, is its status such that we *can* show a diff for it?
Method objectItems(self, spec=None)
Lock   Access contents information
Method json(self, only=None, exclude=None, **config)
return JSON representation of item
Method objectIds(self, spec=None)
Lock   Access contents information
Method knownRepoIds(self)
Lock   View
Method listContributors(self)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Contributor elements - resource collaborators.
Method listCreators(self)
Lock   View
List Dublin Core Creator elements - resource authors.
Method listDAVObjects(self)
Method listFolderContents(self, contentFilter=None, suppressHiddenFiles=0)
Method list_imports(self)
Method manage_CopyContainerAllItems(self, REQUEST)
Method manage_CopyContainerFirstItem(self, REQUEST)
Method manage_DAVget(self)
Gets the document source
Method manage_FTPlist(self, REQUEST)
Returns a directory listing consisting of a tuple of (id,stat) tuples, marshaled to a string. Note, the listing it should include '..' if there is a Folder above the current one. In the case of non-foldoid objects it should return a single tuple (id,stat) representing itself.
Method manage_FTPstat(self, REQUEST)
Psuedo stat, used by FTP for directory listings.
Method manage_access(self, REQUEST, **kw)
Lock   Change permissions
Return an interface for making permissions settings.
Method manage_acquiredPermissions(self, permissions=[], REQUEST=[])
Change the permissions that acquire.
Method addDTMLDocument(self, id, title='', file='', REQUEST=None, submit=None)
Add a DTML Document object with the contents of file. If 'file' is empty, default document text is used.
Method addDTMLMethod(self, id, title='', file='', REQUEST=None, submit=None)
Add a DTML Method object with the contents of file. If 'file' is empty, default document text is used.
Method addDTMLMethod(self, id, title='', file='', REQUEST=None, submit=None)
Add a DTML Method object with the contents of file. If 'file' is empty, default document text is used.
Method manage_addFile(self, id, file='', title='', precondition='', content_type='', REQUEST=None)
Add a new File object. Creates a new File object 'id' with the contents of 'file'
Method manage_addFolder(self, id, title='', createPublic=0, createUserF=0, REQUEST=None)
Add a new Folder object with id *id*. If the 'createPublic' and 'createUserF' parameters are set to any true value, an 'index_html' and a 'UserFolder' objects are created respectively in the new folder.
Method manage_addImage(self, id, file, title='', precondition='', content_type='', REQUEST=None)
Add a new Image object. Creates a new Image object 'id' with the contents of 'file'.
Method manage_addLocalRoles(self, userid, roles, REQUEST=[])
Set local roles for a user.
Method manage_addOrderedFolder(self, id, title='', createPublic=0, createUserF=0, REQUEST=None)
Add a new ordered Folder object with id *id*. If the 'createPublic' and 'createUserF' parameters are set to any true value, an 'index_html' and a 'UserFolder' objects are created respectively in the new folder.
Method manage_addPloneFolder(self, id, title='', REQUEST=None)
Adds a new PloneFolder.
Method manage_addProperty(self, id, value, type, REQUEST=None)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Add a new property via the web. Sets a new property with the given id, type, and value.
Method manage_addRegExp(self, regexp, REQUEST=None)
add all filesystem packages matching the regexp
Method manage_addSiteRoot(self, title='', base='', path='', REQUEST=None, **ignored)
Add a SiteRoot to a container.
Method manage_addUserFolder(self, dtself=None, REQUEST=None, **ignored)
Method manage_afterAdd(self, item, container)
Method manage_afterClone(self, item)
Method manage_approvedAction(self, REQUEST={}, action='', folder=None, object_paths=None, syncer=None, approver=None, comments='')
Lock   View management screens
If this action is to be approved, throw that data in into the message list
Method manage_beforeDelete(self, item, container)
Method manage_changeOwnership(self, userid, recursive=0, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Take ownership
go change the owner to specified user (if found)
Method manage_changeOwnershipType(self, explicit=[], RESPONSE=[], REQUEST=[])
Lock   Take ownership
Change the type (implicit or explicit) of ownership.
Method manage_changePermissions(self, REQUEST)
Lock   Change permissions
Change all permissions settings, called by management screen.
Method manage_changeProperties(self, REQUEST=None, **kw)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Change existing object properties. Change object properties by passing either a REQUEST object or name=value parameters
Method manage_changePropertyTypes(self, old_ids, props, REQUEST=None)
Replace one set of properties with another Delete all properties that have ids in old_ids, then add a property for each item in props. Each item has a new_id, new_value, and new_type. The type of new_value should match new_type.
Method manage_changeStatus(self, wfid, action, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Manage properties
do a workflow transition from the ZMI
Method manage_changeStatuses(self, ids, status, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Change configuration
change the workflow status of the given package ids
Method manage_cleanup(self)
Lock   View management screens
Calls self._cleanup() and reports the result as text.
Method manage_clone(self, ob, id, REQUEST=None)
Clone an object, creating a new object with the given id.
Method manage_compare(self, path, recurse=None, REQUEST=None)
Lock   View management screens
Compare items, optionally recursing into subfolders; optionally filtering by status according to REQUEST. Return a tuple of (dict, [list of dicts]) where the first dict represents the status of the object at *path*, and the dicts in the (possibly empty) list represent the status of sub-objects of that object. If *recurse* is true, subobjects of subfolders are merged and flattened into the subs list. The list is sorted by path. If the list is empty, it means the remote server found no sub-objects at *path*.
Method manage_copyFromChannel(self, channelid, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Change configuration
merge/copy packages from *same* release in different channel
Method manage_copyFromRelease(self, releaseid, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Change configuration
populate this from an older release
Method manage_copyObjects(self, ids=None, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None)
Lock   Copy or Move
Put a reference to the objects named in ids in the clip board
Method manage_cutObjects(self, ids=None, REQUEST=None)
Put a reference to the objects named in ids in the clip board
Method manage_debugDelAttrs(self, attrs, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Change configuration
remove attributes from object
Method manage_defined_roles(self, submit=None, REQUEST=None)
Called by management screen.
Method manage_delLocalRoles(self, userids, REQUEST=[])
Remove all local roles for a user.
Method manage_delObjects(self, ids=[], REQUEST=None)
PloneFolder doesn't want to return properly ...
Method manage_delProperties(self, ids=None, REQUEST=None)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Delete one or more properties specified by 'ids'.
Method manage_delRegExp(self, regexp, REQUEST=None)
delete all items who's filename corresponds to the regexp
Method manage_deleteRemote(self, object_paths, msgs=None, REQUEST=None)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Interface to calling delete on each destination server. We've just overridden the self.dest_servers stuff ...
Method manage_diffObject(self, object_path, REQUEST=None)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Try to get the object from the destination server and diff on it. Return the result as a dictionary.
Method manage_doLoad(self, rpms, force=False, duplicates=False, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Change configuration
overwrite with the latest (rpm's is a list of RPM filenames ...)
Method manage_editMetadata(self, title, subject, description, contributors, effective_date, expiration_date, format, language, rights, REQUEST)
Lock   Modify portal content
Update metadata from the ZMI.
Method manage_editProperties(self, REQUEST)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Edit object properties via the web. The purpose of this method is to change all property values, even those not listed in REQUEST; otherwise checkboxes that get turned off will be ignored. Use manage_changeProperties() instead for most situations.
Method manage_editRoles(self, REQUEST, acl_type='A', acl_roles=[])
Method manage_editedDialog(self, REQUEST, **args)
Method manage_exportObject(self, id='', download=None, toxml=None, RESPONSE=None, REQUEST=None)
Exports an object to a file and returns that file.
Method manage_fixCount(self)
Lock   View management screens
Calls self._fixCount() and reports the result as text.
Method manage_fixObjectCreated(self, REQUEST=None)
seems (indexable) stuff not created via _setObject doesn't get some necessary handlers called to setup uuid etc
Method manage_fixupOwnershipAfterAdd(self)
Method manage_forceStatus(self, wfid, state, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Manage properties
force a workflow transition
Method manage_form_title(self, *args, **kw)
Method manage_getExportData(self, path)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Gets data suitable for transfer. pkg is a file-like wrapped RPM
Method manage_getPermissionMapping(self)
Return the permission mapping for the object This is a list of dictionaries with: permission_name -- The name of the native object permission class_permission -- The class permission the permission is mapped to.
Method manage_getSource(self, obj_path)
Lock   View management screens
Get a src from an object (if allowed) suitable for diffing.
Method manage_getUserRolesAndPermissions(self, user_id)
Used for permission/role reporting for a given user_id. Returns a dict mapping 'user_defined_in' -> path where the user account is defined 'roles' -> global roles, 'roles_in_context' -> roles in context of the current object, 'allowed_permissions' -> permissions allowed for the user, 'disallowed_permissions' -> all other permissions
Method manage_hasId(self, REQUEST)
check if the folder has an object with REQUEST['id']
Method manage_importObject(self, upload_file='', REQUEST=None, set_owner=1)
import an object from a local file system
Method manage_listObjects(self, path, do_base=1)
Lock   View management screens
introspect non-contained containers ...
Method manage_moveObjectDown(self, id, REQUEST=None)
move indicated object down one in the order
Method manage_moveObjectToBottom(self, id, REQUEST=None)
move indicated object to bottom of the order
Method manage_moveObjectToTop(self, id, REQUEST=None)
move indicated object to top of the order
Method manage_moveObjectUp(self, id, REQUEST=None)
move indicated object up one the order
Method manage_move_objects_down(self, REQUEST, ids=None, delta=1)
Move specified sub-objects down by delta in container.
Method manage_move_objects_to_bottom(self, REQUEST, ids=None)
Move specified sub-objects to bottom of container.
Method manage_move_objects_to_top(self, REQUEST, ids=None)
Move specified sub-objects to top of container.
Method manage_move_objects_up(self, REQUEST, ids=None, delta=1)
Move specified sub-objects up by delta in container.
Method manage_object_workspace(self, ids=(), REQUEST=None)
Lock   View management screens
Redirects to the workspace of the first object in the list.
Method manage_obsoletes(self, REQUEST)
Lock   View management screens
Method manage_oidSearch(self, oid)
Lock   View management screens
search for an OID (usually result of fsrefs) and identify the object
Method manage_options(self)
Method manage_pasteObjects(self, cb_copy_data=None, REQUEST=None)
Paste previously copied objects into the current object. If calling manage_pasteObjects from python code, pass the result of a previous call to manage_cutObjects or manage_copyObjects as the first argument. Also sends IObjectCopiedEvent and IObjectClonedEvent or IObjectWillBeMovedEvent and IObjectMovedEvent. If `REQUEST` is None it returns a list of dicts {'id': orig_id, 'new_id': new_id} otherwise it renders a HTML page.
Method manage_permission(self, permission_to_manage, roles=[], acquire=[], REQUEST=[])
Change the settings for the given permission. If optional arg acquire is true, then the roles for the permission are acquired, in addition to the ones specified, otherwise the permissions are restricted to only the designated roles.
Method manage_ploneCatalog(self, REQUEST=None)
Lock   View management screens
add the damned thing into Plone so it appears in navigation ...
Method manage_pullFromRemote(self, object_paths, msgs=None, REQUEST=None)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Interface to retrieving each object from destination server.
Method manage_pushToRemote(self, object_paths, msgs=None, REQUEST=None)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Interface to pushing each object to destination server. The 'msgs' argument may be modified in-place, and will be returned as a list of TextMsg or StatusMsg instances.
Method manage_pypi(self, REQUEST)
Lock   View management screens
redirect to repodata
Method manage_redcarpet(self, REQUEST)
Lock   View management screens
redirect to packageinfo
Method manage_refresh(self, force=True, exactarch=True, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Change configuration
reload release,version,epoch,size info from file system headers force is to ignore packages with errors
Method manage_refreshIds(self, ids=[], exactarch=True, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Change configuration
reload the specified package(s) with the latest version on the filesystem
Method manage_refreshRepos(self, force=False, REQUEST=None)
refresh any backend repos
Method manage_removeDups(self, REQUEST=None)
Lock   View management screens
remove any duplicate packages, keeping the latest, ignoring any pinned packages
Method manage_renameObject(self, id, new_id, REQUEST=None)
Rename a particular sub-object.
Method manage_renameObjects(self, ids=[], new_ids=[], REQUEST=None)
Rename several sub-objects
Method manage_repair(self, REQUEST=None)
Repair objects in folder ...
Method manage_replaceObject(self, obj_path, data=None, pkg=None)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
If an object already exists at *obj_path*, delete it. If *data* is not None, treat is as a picked new object to add at that path. If pkg is present, then it's the RPM - upload it
Method manage_role(self, role_to_manage, permissions=[], REQUEST=[])
Change the permissions given to the given role.
Method manage_setLocalRoles(self, userid, roles, REQUEST=[])
Set local roles for a user.
Method manage_setPermissionMapping(self, permission_names=[], class_permissions=[], REQUEST=[])
Change the permission mapping
Method manage_set_default_sorting(self, REQUEST, key, reverse)
Set default sorting key and direction.
Method manage_syncDelete(self, object_paths, msgs=None, REQUEST=None)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Interface to deleting both locally and remotely. object_paths may be a string or a sequence of strings. If msgs list is provided, it's modified in-place; it's also returned.
Method manage_takeOwnership(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE, recursive=[])
Lock   Take ownership
Take ownership (responsibility) for an object. If 'recursive' is true, then also take ownership of all sub-objects.
Method manage_touch(self, object_paths, msgs=None, REQUEST=None)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Force timestamp of local and remote object(s) to *now*. A list of StatusMsgs or TextMsgs will be returned.
Method manage_undo_transactions(self, transaction_info=(), REQUEST=None)
Lock   Undo changes
Method manage_workspace(self, REQUEST)
Dispatch to first interface in manage_options
Method manage_yum(self, REQUEST)
Lock   View management screens
redirect to repodata
Method manage_zmi_logout(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE)
Logout current user
Method modified(self)
Lock   View
Dublin Core Date element - date resource last modified.
Method moveObject(self, id, position)
Method moveObjectToPosition(self, id, position, suppress_events=False)
Method moveObjectsByDelta(self, ids, delta, subset_ids=None, suppress_events=False)
Method moveObjectsDown(self, ids, delta=1, subset_ids=None)
Method moveObjectsToBottom(self, ids, subset_ids=None)
Method moveObjectsToTop(self, ids, subset_ids=None)
Method moveObjectsUp(self, ids, delta=1, subset_ids=None)
Method nameInfo(self, names, archs)
helper for audit/verify reporting
Method notifyModified(self)
Take appropriate action after the resource has been modified. Update creators and modification_date.
Method notifyWorkflowCreated(self)
Notify the workflow that the object was just created.
Method objectCount(self)
Lock   Access contents information
Returns the number of items in the folder.
Method objectFiles(self, verified=True, basenames=False)
Lock   RPMManager: Download RPMS
return a list of file names of all packages in folder if *verified* flag set, then only returns those actually built if basenames, return just the filename, not the full path
Method objectIds(self, spec=None)
Lock   Access contents information
Method objectIdsByGroup(self)
Lock   RPMManager: Download RPMS
return a list of hashes of (group, mangled group name, package names), used to autogen comps.xml ...
Method objectIds_d(self, t=None)
Lock   Access contents information
Method objectItems(self, spec=None)
Lock   Access contents information
Method objectItems_d(self, t=None)
Method objectMap(self)
Lock   Access contents information
Method objectMap_d(self, t=None)
Lock   Access contents information
Method objectValues(self, types=None)
Lock   Access contents information
return sorted objects
Method objectValues_d(self, t=None)
Method opaqueIds(self)
Return opaque ids (subelements that are contained using something that is not an ObjectManager).
Method opaqueItems(self)
Return opaque items (subelements that are contained using something that is not an ObjectManager).
Method opaqueValues(self)
Return opaque values (subelements that are contained using something that is not an ObjectManager).
Method orderObjects(self, key, reverse=None)
Method os_release(self)
catalog function to return the OS release
Method otherChannels(self)
Lock   Access contents information
return a list of other channels which also have this release version
Method owner_info(self)
Lock   View management screens
Get ownership info for display
Method permission_settings(self, permission=None)
Return user-role permission settings. If 'permission' is passed to the method then only the settings for 'permission' is returned.
Method permissionsOfRole(self, role)
Returns a role to permission mapping.
Method portalCatalogMe(self, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Modify portal content
stick object in portal catalog (sometimes we just internally catalog stuff but want navigation etc)
Method possible_permissions(self)
Method propdict(self)
Method propertyDescription(self, id)
Method propertyIds(self)
Method propertyItems(self)
Method propertyLabel(self, id)
Method propertyMap(self)
Method propertyValues(self)
Method publishTraverse(self, REQUEST, name)
setup filename-based downloads for yum etc
Method raise_standardErrorMessage(self, client=None, REQUEST={}, error_type=None, error_value=None, tb=None, error_tb=None, error_message='', tagSearch=, error_log_url='')
Method reindexObject(self, idxs=[])
Lock   Modify portal content
Reindex the object in the portal catalog.
Method reindexObjectSecurity(self, skip_self=False)
Lock   Modify portal content
Reindex security-related indexes on the object.
Method releaseFolders(self)
return the set of RPMReleaseFolder's that make up this dependency chain
Method removeRepoFromTag(self, tag)
Lock   Change configuration
Method repoInfo(self, repoid='', username='', password='')
Lock   View management screens
returns yum repository information
Method repoTags(self)
Lock   View
Method repoValues(self)
return the supported repo's for this ReleaseFolder
Method repoclosure(self, username='', password='')
Lock   View management screens
go run repoclosure and report the outcome - username and password are for yum credentials
Method restrictedTraverse(self, path, default=)
Method rolesOfPermission(self, permission)
Returns a permission to role mapping.
Method rpmNames(self, status=['active', 'pinned'], arch=[])
Lock   Access contents information
return all the RPM package names in the release folder
Method rpmNamesStr(self, status=['active', 'pinned'], arch=[])
Lock   Access contents information
return the RPM names as string(s) - suitable for passing into command-line utilities etc
Method searchValues(self, name='')
Lock   Access contents information
return packages whose name is within the name glob
Method setContributors(self, contributors)
Lock   Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Contributor elements - resource collaborators.
Method setCreators(self, creators)
Lock   Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Creator elements - resource authors.
Method setDefaultSorting(self, key, reverse)
Method setDescription(self, description)
Lock   Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Description element - resource summary.
Method setEffectiveDate(self, effective_date)
Lock   Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Date element - date resource becomes effective.
Method setExpirationDate(self, expiration_date)
Lock   Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Date element - date resource expires.
Method setFormat(self, format)
Lock   Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Format element - resource format.
Method setId(self, value)
Lock   Modify portal content
Sets the object id. - this is the Archetypes::BaseObject implementation ...
Method setLanguage(self, language)
Lock   Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Language element - resource language.
Method setModificationDate(self, modification_date=None)
Lock   Modify portal content
Set the date when the resource was last modified. When called without an argument, sets the date to now.
Method setRights(self, rights)
Lock   Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Rights element - resource copyright.
Method setSiteManager(self, components)
Method setSubject(self, subject)
Lock   Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Subject element - resource keywords.
Method setTitle(self, title)
Lock   Modify portal content
Set Dublin Core Title element - resource name.
Method srpmNames(self, status=['active', 'pinned'], fullname=False)
Lock   Access contents information
return all the SRPM package names in the release folder
Method srpmNamesStr(self, status=['active', 'pinned'], fullname=False)
Lock   Access contents information
return the SRPM names as string(s) - suitable for passing into command-line utilities etc
Method status(self, wftool=None, wf_var='review_state')
Lock   View
return workflow status
Method status_colour(self, status, default='white')
Lock   View management screens
Gives a list of status colours for pretty html.
Method status_descr(self, status)
Lock   View management screens
Get description of each status from the config.
Method status_icon(self, status)
Get icon of each status from the config.
Method superValues(self, t)
Method tabs_path_default(self, REQUEST, unquote=)
Method tabs_path_info(self, script, path, quote=)
Method this(self)
Method title_and_id(self)
Return the title if it is not blank and the id otherwise. If the title is not blank, then the id is included in parens.
Method title_or_id(self)
Return the title if it is not blank and the id otherwise.
Method touch(self, object_path, timestamp=DateTime('2025/02/23 03:11:28.522849 UTC'))
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
Force timestamp update to the (local) object. Optional timestamp arg must be a DateTime instance, and is set to the object's modification_date attribute IFF it has one.
Method tpURL(self)
Method tpValues(self)
Lock   Access contents information
Ensures the items don't show up in the left pane.
Method traverseFromRoot(self, relative_path)
Lock   ZSyncer: Use ZSyncer
we need to support non-objectManager containment ...
Method undoable_transactions(self, first_transaction=None, last_transaction=None, PrincipiaUndoBatchSize=None)
Lock   Undo changes
Method unindexObject(self)
Lock   Modify portal content
Unindex the object from the portal catalog.
Method unrestrictedTraverse(self, path, default=, restricted=False)
Lookup an object by path. path -- The path to the object. May be a sequence of strings or a slash separated string. If the path begins with an empty path element (i.e., an empty string or a slash) then the lookup is performed from the application root. Otherwise, the lookup is relative to self. Two dots (..) as a path element indicates an upward traversal to the acquisition parent. default -- If provided, this is the value returned if the path cannot be traversed for any reason (i.e., no object exists at that path or the object is inaccessible). restricted -- If false (default) then no security checking is performed. If true, then all of the objects along the path are validated with the security machinery. Usually invoked using restrictedTraverse().
Method upgrade(self)
Lock   View management screens
upgrade from 0.5.1 (or earlier?) to current version.
Method userCanTakeOwnership(self)
Method userdefined_roles(self)
Return list of user-defined roles.
Method users_with_local_role(self, role)
Method cb_dataValid(self)
Method valid_roles(self)
Return list of valid roles.
Method valid_property_id(self, id)
Method valid_roles(self)
Return list of valid roles.
Method validate_roles(self, roles)
Return true if all given roles are valid.
Method objectValues(self, spec=None)
Lock   Access contents information
Method virtual_url_path(self)
Return a URL for the object, relative to the site root. If a virtual host is configured, the URL is a path relative to the virtual host's root object. Otherwise, it is the physical path. In either case, the URL does not begin with a slash.
Method whatProvides(self, name='', bin='', lib='', update_yum=False)
find what RPM package filename provides this requirement from our canonical repo
Method wl_clearLocks(self)
Method wl_delLock(self, locktoken)
Method wl_getLock(self, locktoken)
Method wl_hasLock(self, token, killinvalids=0)
Method wl_isLocked(self)
Method wl_lockItems(self, killinvalids=0)
Method wl_lockTokens(self, killinvalids=0)
Method wl_lockValues(self, killinvalids=0)
Method wl_lockmapping(self, killinvalids=0, create=0)
if 'killinvalids' is 1, locks who are no longer valid will be deleted **Monkey patched by** 'plone.protect.monkey.wl_lockmapping'
Method wl_setLock(self, locktoken, lock)
Method workflowHistory(self, workflow)
Lock   View management screens
return the worflow history/transition info (latest first)
Function addRPMReleaseFolder (ob, event)
make sure a dependency resolver exists for this os release
Function deleteCatalog (ob, event)
Function implements (*interfaces)
Declare interfaces implemented by instances of a class This function is called in a class definition. The arguments are one or more interfaces or interface specifications (`~zope.interface.interfaces.IDeclaration` objects). The interfaces given (including the interfaces in the specifications) are added to any interfaces previously declared. Previous declarations include declarations for base classes unless `implementsOnly` was used. This function is provided for convenience. It provides a more convenient way to call `classImplements`. For example:: implements(I1) is equivalent to calling:: classImplements(C, I1) after the class has been created.
Function manage_addRPMPackage (self, name, version, release, epoch, arch='', REQUEST=None)
Function manage_addRPMPackageFromHeader (self, hdr, REQUEST=None)
Function manage_addRPMReleaseFolder (self, id, title='', REQUEST=None)
Add an OS Release folder to a RPMChannel. The Id must be integer to correspond to the *version* up2date sends
Function notify (event)
Notify all subscribers of ``event``.

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