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Zpydoc Products RPMManager SyndicationSupport
Class  class SyndicationSupport ( SyndicationSupport )
coordinates with portal_syndication to create RSS xml metadata this needs to find a catalog in the acquisition path with a searchObjects method, and it expects the catalog to have a meta_type (Field) and modified (Date) indexes Zope syndication is based upon View (anonymous) permission - we're however only syndicating to people with download permissions - this is enforced sneakily by only returning cataloged info if they're permitted ... It is also up to you to set an appropriate max objects in portal_syndication
Method getDefaultSorting(self)
Lock   View
returns a key (function name) and a reverse flag
Method isSyndicated(self)
Lock   View
Method manage_disableSyndication(self, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Manage syndication
Method manage_enableSyndication(self, REQUEST=None)
Lock   Manage syndication
Method synContentValues(self)
Lock   View
return all active Packages modified with the last day
Method synDateRange(self, dt=DateTime('2025/02/23 03:11:28.491664 UTC'))
Lock   View
returns min, max DateTime's for this syndication query
Method synMaxItems(self)
Lock   View
Method syndicationQuery(self)
overridable catalog query
Function getToolByName (obj, name, default=[])
Get the tool, 'toolname', by acquiring it. o Application code should use this method, rather than simply acquiring the tool by name, to ease forward migration (e.g., to Zope3).

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