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Zpydoc Products RPMManager utils
Function addPortalCatalog (ob, event)
Function deletePortalCatalog (ob, event)
Function download_or_traverse (pkg, request)
decide based upon user-agent what sort of traversal we should do
Function filter_requires (requires)
remove non-packagey things from buildreqs, like autodeps currently removes everything containing / and all rpmlib() deps
Function getToolByName (obj, name, default=[])
Get the tool, 'toolname', by acquiring it. o Application code should use this method, rather than simply acquiring the tool by name, to ease forward migration (e.g., to Zope3).
Function getstatusoutput (cmd, **kw)
pipe-based call for cmd, ensuring all comms cleans up file handles note that we return rc, stdout text, stderr text
Function isDownloadable (rpmmanager, pkg)
we only allow a package to be downloaded if the user's account status is ok if there is no RPMUser, then that's an automatic fail!
Function jsonResponse (obj, request)
Function nevraFromFile (fname)
Function nevraPrintableFromTuple (tuple)
returns printable nevra string from a (n,e,v,r,a)
Function opcode2str (code)
map rpm opcode to string - these should agree with createrepo ;)
Function returnNevraPrintable (rpmhdr)
return printable string for the pkgname/object name - epoch:ver-rel.arch

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