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RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenJMX-3.2.1_3.5.3-1.lbn13.x86_64
ZenJMX is a full-featured JMX client that works "out of the box" with JMX agents that have their remote APIs enabled. It supports authenticated and unauthenticated connections, and it can retrieve single-value attributes, complex-value attributes, and the results of invoking an operation. Operations with parameters are also supported so long as the parameters are primitive types (Strings, booleans, numbers), as well as the object version of primitives (such as java.lang.Integer and java.lang.Float). Multi-value responses from operations (Maps and Lists) are supported, as are primitive responses from operations. The JMX data source installed by ZenJMX allows you to define the connection, authentication, and retrieval information you want to use to retrieve performance information. The IP address is extracted from the parent device, but the port number of the JMX Agent is configurable in each data source. This allows you to operate multiple JMX Agents on a single device and retrieve performance information for each agent separately. This is commonly used on production servers that run multiple applications. Authentication information is also associated with each JMX data source. This offers the most flexibility for site administrators because they can run some JMX agents in an open, unauthenticated fashion and others in a hardened and authenticated fashion. SSL-wrapped connections are supported by the underlying JMX Remote subsystem built into the JDK, but were not tested in the Zenoss labs. As a result, your success with SSL encrypted access to JMX Agents may vary. The data source allows you to define the type of performance information you want to achieve: single-value attribute, complex-value attribute, or operation invocation. To specify the type of retrieval, you must specify an attribute name (and one or more data points) or provide operation information. Any numerical value returned by a JMX agent can be retrieved by Zenoss and graphed and checked against thresholds. Non-numerical values (Strings and complex types) cannot be retrieved and stored by Zenoss. When setting up data points, make sure you understand the semantics of the attribute name and choose the correct Zenoss data point type. Many JMX Agent implementations use inconsistent nomenclature when describing attributes. In some cases the term "Count" refers to an ever-increasing number (a "Counter" data point type). In other cases the term "Count" refers to a snapshot number (a "Gauge" data point type).
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.ZenAWS-3.2.1_1.0.3-1.lbn13.noarch
The Amazon Web Services (AWS) ZenPack allows you to monitor Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) server instances. It collects information for these objects monitored through Amazon's CloudWatch APIs: * Account * Instance * Instance Type When you install the ZenPack, the /AWS/EC2 device class is added to your Zenoss instance. A single device in the EC2 class, EC2Manager, represents your EC2 account. All instances and instance types are contained in the EC2 account manager.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.XenMonitor-3.2.1_1.0.3-1.lbn13.noarch
Xen Monitor --------------------------- XenMonitor is a ZenPack that allows you to monitor virtually hosted operating systems running on a Xen hypervisor. It depends on the prior installation of the ZenossVirtualHostMonitor zenpack. This zenpack: 1) Extends ZenModeler to find Guest OS's and add them to Virtual Hosts 3) Provides templates for collecting resources allocated to Guest OSs. To Use XenMonitor: 1) Ensure that you have SSH keys to your Xen servers (as root). 2) Create your Xen servers using the /Servers/Virtual Hosts/Xen device class. If you have these servers modeled already, remove them and recreate them under the Xen device class. DO NOT MOVE THEM. 3) Select the Guest menu and ensure that the guest hosts were found when the devices were added.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.RPCMonitor-3.2.1_1.0.2-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.NtpMonitor-3.2.1_2.0.3-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.NNTPMonitor-3.2.1_1.0.2-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.MySqlMonitor-3.2.1_2.1.3-1.lbn13.noarch
MySqlMonitor provides a method for pulling performance metrics from the MySQL database server ( directly into Zenoss without requiring the use of an agent. This is accomplished by utilizing the MySQL client library to connect to the database remotely. The following metrics will be collected and graphed for MySQL server. * Command Statistics (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) * Select Statistics (Scan, Range Check, Range Join, Full Join) * Handler Statistics (Keyed & Unkeyed Reads, Writes, Updates, Deletes) * Network Traffic (Received & Sent)
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.LinuxMonitor-3.2.1_1.1.5-1.lbn13.noarch
This ZenPack provides RRD templates and command parsers for monitoring Linux hosts.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.JabberMonitor-3.2.1_1.0.2-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.IRCDMonitor-3.2.1_1.0.2-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.HttpMonitor-3.2.1_2.0.3-1.lbn13.noarch
ZenPacks.zenoss.HttpMonitor monitors connection response time to an HTTP server and determines whether specific content exists on a Web page.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.HPMonitor-3.2.1_2.1.0-1.lbn13.noarch
HPMonitor provides custom modeling of devices running the HP/Compaq Insight Management Agents. It also contains hardware identification for HP proprietary hardware. The information is collected through the SNMP interface. The following information is modeled. * Hardware Model * Hardware Serial Number * Operating System * CPU Information (socket, speed, cache)
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.FtpMonitor-3.2.1_1.0.2-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.EsxTop-3.2.1_1.0.3-1.lbn13.noarch
The VMWare ESX Server ZenPack for Core allows you to monitor ESX hosts and guests via VMWares EsxTop utility. The ZenPack uses the resxtop command to gather performance information about VMware Infrastructure ESX servers.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.DnsMonitor-3.2.1_2.0.2-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.DigMonitor-3.2.1_1.0.2-1.lbn13.noarch
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.DellMonitor-3.2.1_2.1.0-1.lbn13.noarch
DellMonitor provides custom modeling of devices running the Dell OpenManage agents. It also contains hardware identification for Dell proprietary hardware. The information is collected through the SNMP interface. The following information is modeled. * Hardware Model * Hardware Serial Number * Operating System * CPU Information (socket, speed, cache, voltage) * PCI Card Information (manufacturer, model)
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss.ApacheMonitor-3.2.1_2.1.2-1.lbn13.noarch
ApacheMonitor ------------- ApacheMonitor provides a method for pulling performance metrics from the Apache HTTP Server ( directly into Zenoss without requiring the use of an agent. This is accomplished by utilizing the standard mod_status module that comes with version 1 and 2 of the HTTP server. The following metrics will be collected and graphed for the Apache HTTP Server. * Requests per Second * Throughput (Bytes/sec & Bytes/request) * CPU Utilization of the HTTP server and all worker processes/threads * Slot Usage (Open, Waiting, Reading Request, Sending Reply, Keep-Alive, DNS Lookup and Logging) Follow these steps to setup your HTTP server so that it will allow Zenoss to access the server status. 1. On the Apache server, find your httpd.conf file. This is normally located in /etc/httpd/httpd.conf or /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf. Other locations are possible depending on your operating system and setup. 2. Turn the ExtendedStatus option on in the httpd.conf file. This option will typically be commented out. You can enable it by uncommenting it. ... becomes ... ExtendedStatus on 3. Enable the /server-status location in the httpd.conf file. This is another option that typically already exists but is commented out. ... becomes ... <Location /server-status> SetHandler server-status Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from </Location> 4. Save the httpd.conf file with these changes then restart httpd. This can normally be accomplished with following command. apachectl restart Once your Apache HTTP Server is configured to allow Zenoss to access the extended status, you can add Apache monitoring to the device within Zenoss by simply binding the Apache template to the device. 1. Navigate to the device in the Zenoss web interface. 2. Click the device menu, choose More then Templates. 3. Click the templates menu, choose Bind Templates. 4. Ctrl-click the Apache template from /Devices/Server to choose it. 5. Click OK. You will now be collecting the Apache HTTP Server metrics from this device.
RPMPackage ZenPacks.zenoss-1.0.0-1.lbn13.noarch
Zenoss ZenPack module
RPMPackage ZenPacks.oie.KannelMonitor-3.2.1_3.0.0-3.lbn13.noarch
KannelMonitor ------------- KannelMonitor uses the nagios check-kannel plugin to retrieve input queue and delivery volumes from any Kannel-based SMPP server. Once your Kannel Server has the check-kannel plugin installed, you can add Kannel monitoring to the device within Zenoss by simply binding the KannelMonitor template to the device. 1. Navigate to the device in the Zenoss web interface. 2. Click the device menu, choose More then Templates. 3. Click the templates menu, choose Bind Templates. 4. Ctrl-click the KannelMonitor template from /Devices/Server to choose it. 5. Click OK. You will now be collecting the Kannel Server metrics from this device.